Home Office of the Director Operations Recovery Directorate Hazard Mitigation

Mission Statement:

The Hazard Mitigation Section supports California communities by reducing risk to natural hazards and enhancing resilience. Through promoting accessible comprehensive mitigation planning processes and grant programs, we assist local jurisdictions in assessing their risks, developing actionable mitigation strategies, implementing projects and initiatives, and highlighting best practices that reduce disaster losses across the state.

Our Vision for Resilience in CA:

Our vision is a resilient California where communities better understand natural hazard risks and work collaboratively to reduce the impacts from natural hazard events and disasters. By fostering strong partnerships and promoting effective mitigation strategies, we strive to safeguard lives, property, the environment, and cultural resources to ensure a safer future for all Californians.

Ready to Start an Application? 


Local Mitigation Planning

Local Mitigation Planning resources for local and tribal entities to implement and maintain plans. 


State Mitigation Planning

The State Hazard Mitigation Plan is California’s primary hazard mitigation guidance document.


Grant Opportunities

Explore grant opportunities and view NOFOs for eligibility and program details.


Develop a Subapplication

Tools & Resources for developing your HM Subapplication and accessing Technical Assistance​.



Resiliency in Action​

Approved Mitigation Projects, Mitigation Action Ideas, and Loss Avoidance Studies.

Has your grant been awarded? See the Post-Obligation Section for best practices for managing your grant. 

MyPlan 2.0

MyPlan 2.0 is a powerful new tool that empowers Californians to better understand natural hazard risks in their communities. Designed for both local government officials and the public, this interactive application provides easy access to key insights from the State Hazard Mitigation Plan’s risk assessment and hazard data used in the assessment.

Click HERE to access the Hazard Mitigation Resource Library

All of the documents, links, and templates in one, central location. 

Melissa Boudrye

Melissa Boudrye

Resilience Branch Chief

Ron Miller

Ron Miller

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch Chief

Join our HM Grant Distribution Group!

Sign up here to get e-mail updates on Hazard Mitigation Grant webinars, funding opportunities, and more.

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