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Southern Region Response Operations

Southern Region Response Operations covers two mutual aid regions and the following 11 Counties:

Mutual Aid Region I: Los Angeles, Orange, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura
Mutual Aid Region VI: Imperial, Inyo, Mono, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego

Within the region are 226 incorporated cities, numerous tribal nations, small unincorporated communities, special districts, and a total population of approximately 22,885,880 people. With the largest population in the State, Southern Region emergency management staff remain prepared and ready to respond to any number of emergencies to provide coordination and assistance. Staff keep in close contact with their Operational Area counterparts, attend and assist in training exercises and courses, respond to incidents, provide connectivity with recovery and mitigation resources, and report issues and accomplishments up to headquarters.

The region includes large scale air and sea port operations, military installations, international borders, one active and one recently retired nuclear power plant, and a varied natural terrain that spans from beaches to mountains, deserts to forest land. Recent disasters that Southern Region staff have responded to include winter weather snow emergencies, large scale wildfires, flooding and debris flows, earthquakes, oil and hazardous materials spills, wind storms, and explosions. Staff also monitor and respond to many events that garner national and worldwide attention, including sporting events, conventions, music festivals, and political conferences, and the Region is preparing for the upcoming 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

All Administrative Regions contacts are available on the Administrative Regions Interactive Map



Southern Region Events

The next MARAC meeting is July, 25th, 2024. 

The next LEPC Region I meeting date is TBD. 

The next LEPC Region VI next meeting date is TBD. 

If you are an emergency manager and want to be added to the MARAC or LEPC distribution lists, please submit a request here.Â