Risk and Security Assessment Programs

Assessing Risk

California Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit is responsible for evaluating the risk posed to California Infrastructure.

In 2018, the Cal OES Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Division undertook an effort designed to reevaluate the States criteria for defining ‘state significant’ infrastructure and prioritize high risk facilities across the various critical infrastructure sectors. The result of these efforts allows the State of California to have a baseline understanding of risk and criticality of the various Critical Infrastructure facilities the State relies on to maintain essential functions and services for its citizens.

For more information, please contact the CIP Team at infoshare@caloes.ca.gov

Physical Security Assessments

  • The Cal OES Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit’s Vulnerability Assessments assist owners and operators of Critical Infrastructure.
  • The assessment identifies vulnerabilities to the assets, infrastructure and mission functions, single points of failure, and inter and intra dependencies.
  • The assessment considers the capabilities of terrorist organizations, criminal elements, as well as the risks associated with natural hazards, and industrial accidents.
  • Other areas examined are security operations and emergency management procedures.
  • The assessment offers short term and long-term options for mitigating observed vulnerabilities.

For more information, please contact the CIP Team at infoshare@caloes.ca.gov

Get information on your regional fusion center and their security assistance programs.

School Security

 The Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Unit coordinates with the Regional Fusion Centers to enhance the availability of trainings related to school security . The program is supported through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Grant and is designed provide students and teachers with the tools to recognize, respond quickly to, and prevent acts of violence.

The CIP Unit works with state, county, and local entities to educate about the State Threat Assessment System,  provide guidance for the adoption of security related measures, inform schools of identified threats trends, and encourage engagement with their Regional Fusion Centers.

To contact the program coordinator, please email infoshare@caloes.ca.gov

Get additional resources on enhancing the safety and security in schools.

Nonprofit Security Grants

The goal of these programs is better security for nonprofit organizations and improved resiliency for the communities they support.

The grants help deliver millions of dollars for physical security projects at qualifying nonprofit organizations.

California’s nonprofits include faith-based facilities, community medical organizations, blood banks, and other institutions that assist California’s citizens every day.
The CIP unit helps in outreach to the nonprofit organizations and uses its physical security expertise to help evaluate applications submitted for grant funds.

Learn more about Nonprofit Security Grants.

The California Office of Emergency Services provides technical assistance for nonprofit organizations that require a vulnerability assessment for a state application to the California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program or a threat assessment for a federal application to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program of the United States Department of Homeland Security.

For technical assistance with nonprofit organizations vulnerability assessment requirements, you can email the CIP Team at va@caloes.ca.gov or call (888) 788-7983.Â