Service Catalog
Telecommunications manages a variety of service offerings that bring proven, mission-critical capabilities for Response, Recovery, and routine line of business missions:
- Communication and collaboration solutions suitable for both day-to-day and Disaster Response activities
- A satellite communications network consisting of over 80 endpoints
- At OES HQ and Southern Regional locations
- Additional sites such as:
- Cal Fire North and South Emergency Command Centers
- USGS Menlo Park
- Cal Tech Seismo Lab
- A fleet of transportable (vehicle mounted and ‘flyaway’) broadband VSAT terminals
- Â All sites in the network are provisioned with:
- high-speed internet connectivity
- VoIP telephone connectivity immune to any local failures in the Public Switched Telephone Network
- Â All sites in the network are provisioned with:
- Cloud-based VTC (videoteleconference) services
- Telecommunications have procured, instantiated, and support this capability, in daily use enterprise-wide
- Telecommunications Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) provide ongoing user training and also see to the success of large, high-visibility videoteleconferences, whether convened by OES or partners.
- Two-way Radio Equipment and Capabilities
- California Emergency Services Radio System – CESRS
- CESRS is a statewide system of 23 mountaintop radio repeaters interconnected by dedicated microwave circuits. With the CESRS System Map and Dialing Instructions connections can be made between these repeaters enabling communications among Operational Area and Mutual Aid Regions. Additional repeaters provide local coverage in 8 locations statewide.
Map and Dialing Instructions:Â CESRS Map-Route Combo_v2015.pdf
- CESRS is a statewide system of 23 mountaintop radio repeaters interconnected by dedicated microwave circuits. With the CESRS System Map and Dialing Instructions connections can be made between these repeaters enabling communications among Operational Area and Mutual Aid Regions. Additional repeaters provide local coverage in 8 locations statewide.
- Inventories of handheld radios on all Public Safety Radio spectrum, organized in caches and provisioned for rapid deployment.
- California Emergency Services Radio System – CESRS
- A satellite communications network consisting of over 80 endpoints
 Interoperability switches, mobile and transportable, to integrate incident communications among cooperating agencies regardless of frequency or protocol
- Reachback Communications
- Sattcomm capabilities to project broadband internet and telephone services to the most remote and austere of operational settings.
- High Frequency ‘over the horizon’ communications to project command and control to any location.
- Mobile mounted hybrid Telephone/Satellite Radio units.
- Knowledge
- A staff of SMEs in both the technology and practices of Operational Incident Management communications.
- Through the Telecommunications Duty Officer program, these experts are available 24/7/365
- A cadre of volunteer communicators, versed in the technologies and practices of Incident Communications.