Home Office of the Director Operations Logistics Management Public Safety Communications Radio Communications Branch California Radio Interoperable System (CRIS)

California Radio Interoperable System (CRIS)

The California Radio Interoperable System (CRIS) Program was established in 2019 as part of a strategic effort to leverage the more advanced radio technology available on the market today to put a more robust and effective communication tool at the disposal of California’s first responder community. The key features of the CRIS will be a Project 25 compliant trunked radio system which interfaces to similar local systems throughout the state of California. When fully developed the CRIS will provide radio coverage to over 90% of the State’s population and over 60% of the State’s geographic footprint.


Upcoming Planned CRIS Outages


To ensure all of California’s Public Safety Agencies have access to reliable interoperable communications capabilities.

Our goal is to design and operate the CRIS to:

  • Cover the greatest portion of the population
  • Reach the broadest geographic footprint
  • Maintain the highest network reliability, using advanced network technology
  • Eliminate the need for a patchwork of multiple smaller systems
  • Make efficient use of limited radio spectrum


To design and implement a statewide communication system with emphasis on providing interoperable communications between California’s Public Safety Agencies while supporting normal day-to-day public safety operations.

We accomplish this by building and maintaining a state-of-the-art, Project 25 compliant interoperable radio platform that is:

  • Resilient enough to withstand the harshest elements and most rugged locations
  • Adaptable enough to accommodate any size or complexity of incident, and
  • Capable of connecting frontline operators with any unit, agency, command post, or dispatch center.

At CRIS, we recognize that first responders have a dangerous and difficult job, so we build communications platforms to help them get the job done and go home afterward.


  • Dedicated “talkgroups” and interop channels
  • Noise reduction
  • Encryption
  • IP backhaul
  • Seamless communication between work groups


Coverage Map

Most Current Publicly Available Coverage Map:

Predicted Coverage Maps

Radio Coverage Survey Maps



*All forms should be submitted to PSC_Intake@CalOES.ca.gov



If your agency is interested in becoming a CRIS member, please reach out to the CRIS Engineering Unit for consultation. A system engineer will work with you to determine if CRIS will meet the telecommunications service needs of your agency and guide you through becoming a member. 



If you are experiencing trouble with the system or an outage, call PSC’s Network Operations Center (NOC). A system expert is available to provide assistance 24 hours a day and can be reached at 916-636-3840 or 888-657-6577 (Toll Free).



  • 2010 – System of Systems concept is created as part of the PSC Strategic plan. The idea was to implement a system that interconnects individual public safety systems with one another to facilitate improved interoperability and enhanced coverage. This concept would later lead to the vision for CRIS.
  • 2018 – PSC studies the feasibility of implementing a statewide interoperable radio system designed for public safety. Planning and requirements are documented in the form of a Budget Change Proposal (BCP) to seek funding to implement CRIS.
  • 2019 – PSC is granted funding to implement CRIS. The central California region is selected to pilot CRIS with six repeater sites using microwave backhaul operating on one central core. Under Phase 1, PSC completed the installation of a P25 trunking core in Northern California and 6 pilot 700 MHz trunked repeaters sites in the Central Valley from Sacramento to Bakersfield, providing radio coverage along the major traffic arteries of Highway 99 and Interstate 5. Refer to the predicted coverage map for Phase 1 Central Valley Region.
  • 2020 – Phase 2 consisted of 20 additional 700 MHz RF sites bringing the total to 26 repeater sites. This extended CRIS North Valley coverage from Sacramento to Redding, added coverage in the Bay Area from approximately Clear Lake to Santa Cruz, and added coverage in the Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange Counties and the major roadways in those areas. In addition, three Phase 3 sites were installed ahead of schedule, adding coverage from approximately Auburn to Blue Canyon along the I-80 East corridor. Refer to the North Valley Region, Tri-County Region, Bay Area Region, and I-80 East Region predicted coverage maps.
  • 2021 – Phase 3 is underway and includes planned deployment of an additional 10 700 MHz repeater sites, bringing the total to 36 repeater sites by year end. These sites will add Central Coast coverage from approximately King City to Santa Barbara, extend I-5 North coverage to Yreka, and improve Bay Area coverage.
  • 2022 – Phase 4 plans to install VHF highband repeaters sites in Mono County and 700 MHz repeaters in the San Diego, Imperial, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Kern Counties.