Radio Communications Services

​Radio Communications Branch (RCB) assigns a client representative to work with each agency. This provides a single point of contact for all agencies served by the PSC. Description of all major Public Safety Communications Services are given below.

Communications service for client agencies is normally directly coordinated with our Public Safety Communications Shops.

RCB Strategic Plan


These same services are now available to other government agencies. For more information see the RadioCal homepage.

Services Available

  • System Design and Engineering
  • Vault & Tower Installation and Management
  • Specification Development, Procurement, and Compliance Testing
  • Customized Equipment
  • Equipment Installation
  • Equipment Repair
  • Radio programming support (including CRIS interoperability and codeplug creation)

Requesting Services



PSC’s engineering team is adept at system design and is intimately familiar with existing agency communication systems. This combination not only ensures quality system performance but compatible system expansion and integration as well. PSC engineers also work closely with client representatives to satisfy the customer’s needs and expectations. To meet these needs, PSC specializes in the following system types and integrations thereof:

  • Conventional
  • Trunked
  • Simulcast
  • Ground Based Satellite
  • Mobile Communication Vans
  • Dispatch Centers (Specializing in state-of-the-art touch screen consoles)

PSC engineering also provides special services such as:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Radio Surveying
  • Radio Interference Investigations
  • Electromagnetic Interference investigation (Human Exposure to EM Fields)
    This highly skilled group of professionals is adept at solving unique and unusual engineering problems.



To complement the placement of agency system equipment throughout the state, PSC installs agency owned equipment vaults and antenna towers. These facilities can be installed on State, Federal or private property. Once installed, PSC can also provide facility management services with respect to tenant leasing and technical standards. Additionally, PSC processes interagency vault-lease agreements and provides information for Office of Real-Estate and Design Services (OREDS) applications.



PSC also assists in the purchasing of new equipment. Once an equipment need is defined with the client agency, PSC will provide the necessary information to the Department of General Services Procurement Division. Requests for Bid (RFB) will then be issued and the associated equipment purchased. The equipment is then received at PSC for compliance testing and warehouse storage. To further assist in the procurement process, PSC can develop a customized equipment specification which meets the agency’s unique needs. This technical specification is included in the RFB and all bidders must adhere to it. Likewise, once the equipment is received, it is tested in PSC’s state-of-the-art automated testing facility to ensure compliance with the specification.



In response to agency system requirements, PSC designs and manufacturers products to meet unique applications for which there is no commercially available solution.. Having this service available is a valuable asset to PSC engineers, allowing them the flexibility to design complex communications systems without being restricted by the limitations of commercially available products. The nature of these products includes audio and logic interface units, power distribution panels and special hardware such as antenna mounting brackets. Other work has included fitting out special communications vehicles, and the design and fabrication of special data stations.



PSC not only designs and engineers communication systems but installs them as well. PSC maintains six installation crews that perform major installations throughout the state. To foster a timely installation and to minimize troubleshooting, equipment is first preassembled for mock testing. Once testing is complete, the equipment is approved for installation. This level of quality control ensures the installation of a reliable communications system. Once a system is installed, the associated equipment is routinely serviced under PSC’s maintenance program. Should equipment fail, PSC’s around the clock repair service is just a phone call away. To accomplish this, PSC has forty seven radio communications shops strategically located throughout the state. This enables highly skilled and well equipped telecommunications technicians to quickly respond to calls for repair service. This combination of routine maintenance and quick response time to equipment failure means minimum down time for agency equipment.



Once a system is installed, the associated equipment is routinely serviced under PSC’s maintenance program. Should equipment fail, PSC’s around the clock repair service is just a phone call away. To accomplish this, PSC has forty seven radio communications shops strategically located throughout the state. This enables highly skilled and well equipped telecommunications technicians to quickly respond to calls for repair service. This combination of routine maintenance and quick response time to equipment failure means minimum down time for agency equipment.

Although much equipment is repaired in the field by PSC technicians, most higher technology equipment requires specialized instrumentation and skills. To meet this repair need, PSC has developed two high technology repair centers. One located in Southern California and the other in Northern California. These repair centers have the equipment and personnel to repair advanced communication equipment. Another added benefit of these centers is that they also repair aged equipment that the manufacturer will no longer service. Of course, if damaged equipment is still under factory warranty, PSC will have it repaired accordingly.



PSC Radio Programming support (including CRIS interoperability and codeplug creation) is available for all agencies. It includes detailed Engineering design of radio programming files containing system wide information, P.25 and analog settings, frequency & talk group information, and ergonomics of the radio as well as other pertinent information normally contained in a programming file. Most radio programming types and most brands of radios are supported. Collaboration and consultation on adding CRIS interoperability channels or agency specific CRIS channels is available. PSC Radio Programming Unit has staff dedicated full-time to assist agencies with their programming needs. The codeplug creation process will be shepherded through the creation, implementation, and testing phases to ensure complete customer satisfaction.