Criminal Justice / Homeland Security Program

Officer Safety and Field Tactics Training Program
One of CSTI’s most popular courses, the Officer Safety & Field Tactics program was the first of its kind in California and has drawn participants from throughout California and the nation for nearly 50 years. This course is specifically designed for experienced law enforcement patrol officers, field supervisors, and law enforcement in-service and academy instructors. Firefighters, assigned to arson and bomb investigations, who are required to be armed, will also find the curriculum important to their duties.
The course’s primary purpose is to enhance and reinforce the individual officer’s personal safety, tactical effectiveness, and operational skills. Equal consideration is given to the protection and safety of the communities they serve. Participants are not only taught to accurately shoot a variety of duty-firearms, but, equally important, they are trained when and when not to use that firearm in a critical confrontation. The CSTI Officer Safety and Field Tactics course emphasizes the legal and ethical use of force and teaches de-escalation tactics and techniques to lessen the necessity of using such force.
This course takes advantage of the multiple training facilities available at Camp San Luis Obispo. Combat firearms training ranges, a 10,000 square foot “tactical training center,” and a martial arts “fight house” are all facilities that are utilized in the training program. State-of-the-art infrared “force-on-force” training equipment is employed to simulate dangerous and hazardous situations. Officers who have attended our courses have offered uniform praise and appreciation for the education and skills acquired.
The CSTI Officer Safety and Field Tactics course is California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certified, uses California POST certified instructors, and qualifies for POST approved “perishable skills” training in arrest and control, tactical communications, and firearms.
Homeland Security Training Program and Certificate Information
Homeland Security has emerged as a cornerstone of American national security since the horrific events of September 11, 2001, testing our ingenuity and our resources.
The threat emanating from foreign terrorist organizations, homegrown violent extremists, and domestic violent extremists is ever changing as actors seek out new and emerging technologies and tactics to circumvent law enforcement. We have seen this threat slowly and consistently evolve since 9/11. The terrorism threat today is as much a local threat as it is a national one. This evolution underscores the need for consistent and timely training for California’s public safety community.
CSTI remains at the forefront of the counterterrorism mission and has been delivering timely and relevant terrorism education and training to California’s public safety community for over 40 years. Our courses are up-to-date and taught by the country’s leading experts in counterterrorism who come from all levels of government and relevant disciplines, including military, law enforcement, the intelligence community, and private sector. Our courses incorporate the latest adult learning methods with thought-provoking classroom discussions on contemporary terrorism issues and practical applications and exercises.
CSTI courses are designed to provide a dynamic and sophisticated learning experience, aiming to keep public safety professionals prepared to counter today’s terrorism threat.
The Specialist Certificate Program, initiated in 2008, recognizes individuals who complete a series of core courses and complete at least 72 hours of elective courses or seminars.
Terrorism and Homeland Security Specialist certificate requirements
All required AND elective courses must have been completed within the last ten years and must have been completed through Cal OES/CSTI or through one of our approved consortium partners which can be found on our Approved Electives List linked below.
Required Courses:
- Terrorism I: International Terrorism
- Terrorism II: Domestic Terrorism
- Terrorism III: Advanced Counterterrorism Strategies
Plus a minimum of 72 hours of approved electives from the list below.
View the Approved Electives List
Specialist Certificate Documents
Human Trafficking Training Program
Human trafficking is best described as the exploitation of others for profit, an act exploiting the victim’s body and labor as a renewable resource. Human trafficking is akin to slavery and persists in all areas of the world, with a significant presence in California. Human trafficking is commonly seen as the second largest criminal industry in the world and the fastest growing crime in the 21st century. All available data continues to indicate California leads the nation in the number of tips and leads related to human trafficking.
Through CSTI, Cal OES provides human trafficking training for our California law enforcement and California’s emergency management and victim services partners. CSTI is uniquely positioned to leverage internal subject matter experts as well as expert practitioners in the field to build relevant and insightful curriculum helping our communities fight this form of modern day slavery.

CSTI Training Portal
Visit the CSTI Learning Management System to browse hundreds of training courses, register and learn.

EMI Training Portal
Visit the FEMA National Training and Education Division (NTED) Course Schedules and Independent Study (IS) programs.