2024 California State Emergency Plan
Welcome to the 2024 State Emergency Plan
The California State Emergency Plan (SEP) plays a key role in guiding state agencies, local jurisdictions, and the public on emergency management. It describes the methods for conducting emergency operations, rendering mutual aid, emergency response capabilities of state agencies, resource mobilization, public information, and continuity of government during an emergency or disaster.
Between 2017 and 2022, California experienced no fewer than 80 proclaimed states of emergency including wildfires, flooding, earthquakes, severe storms, drought, power shutoffs, and a global pandemic.
Updating and maintaining the SEP is crucial to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services’ mission to protect lives, build capabilities, and foster resilient communities.
Introduction Video (English)
Note: Public comment period concluded on October 2, 2023. If you have suggestions, contact the project lead below.
VÃdeo de Introducción (En Español)
Nota: El perÃodo de comentarios públicos concluyó el 2 de octubre de 2023. Si tiene sugerencias, puede comunÃqarse con el lÃder del proyecto. La informacion para contactarse con el lider esta a continuación.

The California State Emergency Plan (SEP) provides an overview of how the state prepares, mitigates, responds, and recovers from emergencies in California. The plan is a requirement of the California Emergency Services Act (ESA), and describes:
- California’s hazards and vulnerabilities
- The state’s emergency management organization
- Integrating considerations for people with Access and Functional Needs
- Resource mobilization
- Roles of government during an emergency
- Mitigation programs
- Emergency planning and preparedness
- Whole Community Planning
- Response operations
- Mutual aid
- Public information
- California Emergency Support Functions
- Recovery operations
- California Recovery Support Functions
- Continuity of government and essential functions
- Roles and responsibilities of state government agencies and departments during emergencies
- Plan development and maintenance
2023 SEP Coordinating Draft
Significant Updates to the 2023 SEP:
- Enhanced whole community planning approach.
- Updated hazards discussion with new information on wildfires, earthquakes, pandemics, severe weather, Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), and cyberattacks.
- Added information on the Fire & Rescue Coordination Center, Air Coordination Group, and the Medical and Health Coordination Center.
- Updated information on Unified Coordination Group.
- Added section on science and technology in emergency management.
- Updated state agency roles and responsibilities.
- Added Recovery Support Functions and the California Disaster Recovery Framework.
The 2023 SEP Coordinating Draft was used to develop the 2024 SEP Executive Draft, which is currently being reviewed.
For SEP Update Frequently Asked Questions, click this link.
Previously Published SEP
If you have questions about the 2024 SEP, please email SEPUpdate@caloes.ca.gov or call 916-845-8501.
Winston Lin
Senior Emergency Services Coordinator
Office: (916) 845-8501
Email: SEPUpdate@caloes.ca.gov