Disaster Council Accreditation
The authority for the formation and accreditation of a disaster council can be found in the California Emergency Services Act (Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code), and in the California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 2, Subchapter 3, §2571. In order to be eligible for accreditation, a Disaster Council must provide the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), Preparedness Branch with two certified originals of the following documents: Disaster Council Model Emergency Ordinance, Disaster Service Workers Volunteer Resolution, and Master Mutual Aid Agreement (models are below). If any amendments or revisions are made to these documents, review by Cal OES is required for continued compliance, prior to the ADC approval or adoption.
1.  Disaster Council Model Emergency Ordinance: Counties and cities may create disaster councils by ordinance (G.C. §8610). In the ordinance or by resolution adopted pursuant to the ordinance, the governing body of a county or city may provide for the emergency organization, powers and duties, divisions, services, and staff of the organization. The Emergency Ordinance provides the legal basis of the emergency organization and must address the following:
- The ordinance must provide for a Disaster Council
- A chairperson or director of the Disaster Council must be specified
- The emergency organization must be recognized
- Compliance with the Emergency Services Act must be stated
2.  Disaster Service Workers Volunteer Resolution: Resolution agreeing to follow established rules and regulations relating to the various classes of disaster service volunteers worker, scope of duties of each class, and manner of registration pursuant to the provisions of G.C. §8585.5. Allows cities and counties to participate in the Disaster Service Workers Volunteer Program which provides, duly registered volunteers, with workers’ compensation coverage in the event of injury while performing authorized disaster duties.
3.  Master Mutual Aid Agreement: Resolution agreeing to abide by the California Disaster and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement. This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the State of California, its various departments and agencies, and the various political subdivision of the state, to facilitate the rendering of aid to areas stricken by an emergency and to make unnecessary the execution of written agreements customarily entered into by public agencies exercising joint powers. Becoming signatory to the Agreement allows for participation in the statewide Mutual Aid system.
For assistance, please contact the Cal OES Regional staff person assigned to your county or you may contact:
Clifford Viernes, Program Manager
(916) 845-8779 – Office