Home Office of the Director Operations Recovery Directorate Hazard Mitigation Hazard Mitigation Summit 2024


Thursday December 5, 8:00-5:00 PST


Friday, December 6, 8:00-1:30 PST

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) hosted the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Summit Thursday- Friday, December 5-6, 2024.

Presentation Slides









Hazard Mitigation Systems

Plan Smarter Not Harder

Public Assistance

406 Mitigation




Success Stories

Tools and Resources

for Mitigation

How to Submit a Successful Subaplication

Join us for the Cal OES Hazard Mitigation Summit 2024, taking place on Thursday and Friday, December 5-6, 2024. This pivotal event will gather state stakeholders, local jurisdictions, counties, cities, districts, tribes, and private non-profits to engage in meaningful discussions and collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing California’s resilience against natural hazards.

The purpose of this summit is to collectively learn from subject matter experts (SMEs) to find innovative, collaborative ways to enhance California’s resilience in the face of natural hazards.

**Key Topic Areas:**

  • The Role of Mitigation in Emergency Management
  • Navigating Hazard Mitigation Systems, Tools, and Resources
  • Sub-Application Success Stories – Collaborative Resilience
  • Plan Alignment and Integration: Working Smarter, Not Harder
  • Managing Your Grant Award
  • How to Submit a Successful Subapplication
  • Hazard-Specific Sessions:
    • Fire
    • Seismic
    • Flood
    • Emerging Hazards

Our distinguished speakers will include experts from state, local, tribal, and federal entities, sharing their insights and experiences to foster productive technical working sessions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a vital conversation about the future of hazard mitigation in California!

**Save the date and stay tuned for more details!**

Click here to view the Summit Presenter Bios

Mitigation Summit FAQs

"For the VCP, will local “ground truthing” of data be part of the process?"

The VCP team will set up a pilot program across California that will train local organizations on understanding climate risks and assessing vulnerability using the VCP. Through this process, we will solicit feedback on the data used in the platform and incorporate changes into the VCP V2.

Adam Drici – Climate Resilience Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy

"What data is the Climate Vulnerability map using?"

The VCP’s Climate Vulnerability map uses a combination of social data such as income, race, outdoor workers, mobile homes, etc., along with climate data for each climate hazard such as burn probability, historical burns, etc. for wildfires. The data comes from a variety of different sources. The social data draws heavily from the U.S. Census as well as the CDC Places database. The climate data draws from CalAdapt in addition to sector specific sources from state agencies.

James P. Kupihea Jr., Ph.D. – Loss Avoidance Research Specialist, CA Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch

"How does a CBO obtain information about cohort recruitment for the Community Pilot Workplan?"

We plan to pilot the VCP in communities throughout California to raise awareness, encourage use, and collect feedback for improvement. We will develop a curriculum on using the VCP to create community climate vulnerability assessments and select a cohort of CBO and local government representatives for training. Ultimately, cohort members will collaborate with their communities to co-create the assessments, and the process, results, and insights will be compiled into case studies and a user guide for future VCP users. We plan to begin recruitment for the pilot in July 2025.

To indicate interest in the pilot and be notified when the application is available, please fill out this form.

CalOES Hazard Mitigation

"When is FEMA going to address the issues with CDRZ utilization of the flawed NRI that were highlighted during the CDRZ RFI done in 2023?"

Both Community Disaster Resilience Zones (CDRZ) and the National Risk Index (NRI) are constantly being evaluated, and methodological revisions are being developed and implemented based on new findings and updated data sources.

Michael Commons – Data Ambassador, Data Analytics Branch Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 9

"For CDRZ map, what is the minimum size ‘polygon’ or designated zone that can be designated?"

Community Disaster Resilience Zone (CDRZ) designations are at the Census Tract level, in adherence to P.L. 117-255 (Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act of 2022). Designations can be made for multiple continuous Census Tracts, or one single Census Tract. Note that CDRZ designations are distributed across three types of jurisdictions – States, Territories, and Tribes. For the latter – Tribes – the type of Census Tract can be either a “typical” State-County Tract or it can be a Tribal Tract (both maintained and served by the US Census Bureau).

Michael Commons – Data Ambassador, Data Analytics Branch Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 9 

"Is CDRZ legally required to be calculated using CJEST or could another index be used without an act of congress?"

Public Law 117-255 (Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act of 2022) does not require the specific use of CEJST but does require that social vulnerability and community resilience are considered in the prioritization of CDRZ designations. An alternative index or collection of metrics could be considered in future methodologies for CDRZ designations, but none are specifically being proposed at this time.

CalOES Hazard Mitigation

"How do the speakers see these tools working together?"

The tools in this session work together by making accessible natural hazards and climate change scenarios that can be considered in decision making when assessing how to integrate hazard mitigation and climate adaptation strategies into policies and geographically where they apply.

Margot McDonald – Professor of Architecture, Faculty Fellow WUI Fire Institute – Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

"Are landslides considered part of flood insurance/mitigation?"

Yes, flooding includes landform movement, but it has to be connected to precipitation (rain).

Mike Mierzwa – Technical Policy Advisor Flood Management, California Department of Water Resources Division of Flood Operations

"How can we access the map books for different counties?"

The CA Flood Future map books can be shared in pdf format by emailing me: michael.mierzwa@water.ca.gov.

Mike Mierzwa – Technical Policy Advisor Flood Management, California Department of Water Resources Division of Flood Operations

"How do we work with communities that struggle with documentation - lease/ownership agreements, legal status, work status? This is a huge barrier post disaster for FEMA and other assistance in our community."

This is a real challenge, and the point of establishing community-based insurance pilots. If the State is working with these communities, we can document their challenges. One idea is to build a larger private sector demand for providing insurance, which will be followed with more experts in administration of these policies … who in turn could help with some of these issues.

Deborah Halberstadt – Special Advisor to the Commissioner on Biodiversity and Inclusive Insurance, California Department of Insurance 

"For Isleton, what was/is the cost each homeowner is paying for this insurance? Who is the insurance provider? What can the max payout be?"

The cost of insurance changes from property to property, but some property owners had policies around $2,000 / year.

Deborah Halberstadt – Special Advisor to the Commissioner on Biodiversity and Inclusive Insurance, California Department of Insurance 

"Where does insurance money go if there is no hazard occurrence?"

To the insurer (bank that offered the insurance).

Deborah Halberstadt – Special Advisor to the Commissioner on Biodiversity and Inclusive Insurance, California Department of Insurance 

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