MyPlan 2.0
MyPlan 2.0 is a powerful new tool that empowers Californians to better understand natural hazard risks in their communities. Designed for both local government officials and the public, this interactive application provides easy access to key insights from the State Hazard Mitigation Plan’s risk assessment and hazard data used in the assessment.
The tool highlights the populations, equity-priority communities, state-owned and leased properties, critical infrastructure, community lifelines, and buildable areas across the state that may be impacted by natural hazards, such as floods, wildfires, earthquakes, and landslides. With its user-friendly interactive map, detailed charts, and downloadable data by county, the MyPlan 2.0 makes it simple to visualize hazard areas and evaluate risks specific to each county.
Stay informed and take an active role in understanding and preparing for potential hazards in your area with MyPlan 2.0.
Data Used to Complete the Risk Assessment
The risk assessment completed to support the 2023 State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP) update used a variety of datasets that represent hazard areas, State owned and managed structures, infrastructure, population, and equity priority communities.
Hazard Areas
The MyPlan 2.0 webpage provides an overview of the different hazard area datasets used in the 2023 SHMP risk assessment. Data included details the following hazards:
- Tsunami
- Flood
- Earthquake
- Burn Scar Debris Flow
- Seismic Hazard Zones – Earthquake Liquefaction and Landslide
- Dam Failure
- Wildfire
- Levee Failure
- Sea-Level Rise
- Volcano
As part of the 2023 SHMP update, the State conducted a comprehensive hazard risk assessment of critical infrastructure. The Critical Infrastructure Protection unit of the State Threat Assessment Center (STAC) reviewed the state’s critical infrastructure list. It categorized each asset into one of FEMA’s seven community lifelines: Safety and Security, Food, Water and Shelter, Health and Medical, Energy, Communications, Transportation, and Hazardous Materials. This classification helps prioritize infrastructure essential to community resilience during hazard events. STAC also estimated potential economic losses for each piece of critical infrastructure if impacted by a hazard, grouping losses into five categories ranging from under $10 million to over $1 billion.
Buildable Areas
The 2023 SHMP update includes a detailed analysis of buildable areas across the state, leveraging data from the LandVision parcel dataset. Approximately 1.22 million vacant parcels were initially identified from standardized land use classifications in the parcel datasets. Further analysis excluded parcels unlikely to be developed, such as those owned by federal agencies, located within National Forests or Wilderness Areas, or categorized as non-taxable vacant land. This refinement process reduced the buildable areas dataset to approximately 1.16 million parcels, ensuring the analysis focuses on land realistically available for future development.
State-Owned or -Leased Structures
State-owned or -leased strictures were identified using the California Department of General Services (DGS) Statewide Property Inventory. Additional information from the LandVision parcel dataset and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) California Structure Inventory were used to estimate the structure’s value.
Population & Equity Priority Communities
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2018 Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) dataset was used to identify equity priority communities for the 2023 State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP) risk assessment. The SVI uses 15 social factors derived from U.S. Census data to rank Census tracts based on their potential vulnerability to disasters.
For the risk assessment, Census tracts were refined to better represent residential areas by utilizing the LandVision parcel dataset to identify residential parcels. The Census tracts were clipped to the residential areas, only residential locations were included in the equity priority communities risk assessment. To reflect current conditions, population estimates in the 2018 SVI dataset were rescaled using 2020 Census data. County-level population adjustment factors were applied to the SVI data These enhancements improve the SVI’s utility for identifying vulnerable communities in residential areas and provide a more precise foundation for risk assessment and mitigation planning.