Planning and Quality Control
Recovery’s Planning and Quality Control Unit(s) collaborate, review, and disseminate information pertaining to current incidents and recovery efforts throughout the state of California, in addition to assessing disaster awards from a variety of recovery programs, to verify that the expenditures submitted for reimbursement are allowable, reasonable, have been appropriately accounted for.
Both units work together to review, assist, educate, and monitor projects funded by various federal and state disaster assistance programs for federal compliance and provides feedback on risk analysis to various disaster funding programs. Accuracy of information and timely reporting is vital to capturing important historical data to better inform emergency management stakeholders.
Recovery Planning
The Recovery Planning Unit (RPU) leads the development of planning documents within the Recovery Directorate that provide guidance and direction for pre- and post-disaster responsibilities in coordination with federal, state, local, tribal, and non-governmental partners. Additionally, this unit updates the California Disaster Recovery Framework (CDRF) with new concepts, plans, and resources following every disaster recovery.
The RPU supports pre-disaster recovery efforts by helping communities create local recovery management plans in alignment with the CDRF and the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF). Additionally, the RPU plans testing and exercises of recovery processes and procedures for efficiency and effectiveness. During a Presidentially Declared Disaster, the RPU deploys to the Joint Field Office to provide Planning Section support and then follows with tracking disaster after action reporting and monitoring the Integrated Preparedness Plan for Recovery.
See RPU’s Joint Field Office Reporting Statistics for 2023 and 2024
Recommended Planning Courses
To better aid new planners throughout the state, the Planning Unit suggests the following courses to hone your planning skills:
California Specialized Training Institute Courses
- CSTI Planning & Intel Training
- Emergency Planning (G235)
- EOC Section Intermediate: Planning and Intelligence
- EOC Section/Position Specific Training: Planning and Intel (G611P)
- L0202 Debris Management Planning
FEMA Independent Study Courses
- IS-15.b Special Events Contingency Planning for Public Safety Agencies
- IS-2002 Introduction to FEMA Operational Planning
- IS-235.c Emergency Planning
- IS-329 State Hazard Mitigation Planning
- IS-453 Introduction to Homeland Security Planning
- IS-633 Debris Management Plan Development
Recovery Quality Control and Monitoring
The Quality Control and Monitoring Unit is responsible for monitoring Recovery projects funded by various federal and state disaster assistance programs, reviewing single audit reports for corrective action plans, and issuing management decision letters related to audit findings to ensure compliance under 2 CFR Part 200. Staff conduct compliance assessments and provide technical guidance to communities on various funding projects including Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Public Assistance, Flood Mitigation Assistance, Fire Management Assistance Grants, Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities, and funds made available through the California Disaster Assistance Act. In addition, the unit provides trend analysis on the subject areas with findings, to allow programs to increase training in those areas.
This team also reviews and assesses compliance with federal regulations and requirements with a focus on education, in addition to providing technical assistance and guidance to validate or improve administrative and fiscal efficiencies in managing award funds. When an issue such as a misunderstanding of, or noncompliance with, federal regulations is discovered our staff work directly with programs to assist with a plan for corrective action to comply with the terms and conditions of the award.
Grant Rules and Regulations
Regulatory Requirements
To create consistency in requirements and reduce the administrative burden of administering grant awards, government cost principles and uniform administrative requirements were developed and are now housed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars.
The Uniform Guidance, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements
The newly implemented Uniform Guidance, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements (2 CFR Part 200) applies to all awards, Stafford Act declarations and selected funding increments issued on or after December 26, 2014.
Best Practices to Prevent Fraud
As part of effective internal controls, you should have an internal fraud policy that indicates the fight against fraud is endorsed and supported at the most senior level of your organizations. It needs to be communicated to all employees (irrespective of grade, position, or length of services), contractors, and suppliers.
Technical Assistance
For questions related to Recovery’s Planning and Quality Control Division, please contact Ursula Harelson at (916) 261-4538 orÂ