Environmental-Historic Preservation

Photos - Salmon

The Environmental-Historic Preservation (EHP) unit provides subject matter expertise with regard to state and federal environmental and historic laws/regulations. Staff conduct technical review of pending grant awards to determine whether the proposed projects are in compliance with state and federal regulations and makes recommendations concerning methods to mitigate environmental impacts, in addition to assisting to resolve difficult and complex environmental issues.

The following resources include fact sheets and additional information related to endangered species, historic properties, stream erosion, and wetlands protection. 

Additional EHP Resources

Public Assistance Applicant Briefing Resources

Environmental Directory Summaries Document

  • Environmental Directory –This Environmental Directory (Directory) contains summaries of applicable state and federal laws and regulations for project work associated with Public Assistance (PA) Grant Sub-awards associated with presidentially declared and gubernatorial proclaimed disasters. The purpose of this Directory is to provide an understanding of the environmental compliance requirements of both disaster protocols. The environmental regulations summarized herein are intended to convey a general understanding of their purpose only, for reference purposes. For detailed requirements and a list of regulations applicable to your project, please contact your local, state, or federal lead agency.

Environmental Fact Sheets


  • Endangered Species Act Fact Sheet –There is a federal and a California Endangered Species Act (ESA) whose purposes are to conserve and sustain the habitats of and special status terrestrial, avian, and aquatic species. Special status species for either act is classified as either threatened (likely to become endangered in the future), or endangered (in danger of extinction throughout all or a portion of its range). Each ESA allows for the protection of “candidate species,” species for future consideration. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) administer the federal and state ESAs, respectively, in accordance with their 2015 Memorandum of Agreement.


  • Environmental Justice Fact Sheet – When assessing a project’s potential environmental justice impacts, two questions must be asked:
    • First, does the affected community include minority and/or low-income populations?
    • Second, are there projected adverse impacts to the community?

    Are the impacts disproportionately affecting minority and/or low-income members of these communities? If your answer to both questions is “yes,” mitigation measures or other methods to address these effects should be developed as part of the project.


  • Stream Erosion Fact Sheet – Streambank erosion occurs when heavy rainstorms increase their volume and velocity beyond the stream’s capacity. This results in floods that transport sediments, soils, and uprooted vegetation downstream impacting adjacent property owners.


  • Wetlands Protection Fact Sheet- Wetlands provide habitat for wildlife, recreational opportunities, flood protection, and improve water quality by filtering sediment. Wetlands also provide a home for many special status aquatic and terrestrial species protected by the Federal and California Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts.


Historic Properties Fact Sheet

Under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), historic properties are buildings, structures, sites, objects, and traditional cultural properties that are at least 50-years old (with exceptions).

Debris Management Resources Factsheet

There are many aspects of disaster debris management following an earthquake, wildfire, and flood events. These are summarized in the Debris Management Fact Sheet and include: debris types, environmental laws associated with removing and disposing of them, and how the process can be streamlined.

Debris Management Resources Factsheet

Cal OES EHP Team

Email: recoveryehp@caloes.ca.gov

Patricia Nelson

Patricia Nelson

Recovery Senior Environmental Planner

Cassandra Green

Cassandra Green

Environmental Planner



Recovery Senior Environmental Scientist

Melissa Ronan

Melissa Ronan

Environmental Scientist