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Incident Management Assistance Team

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) is a deployable team of emergency management professionals that assists local governments and coordinates the State’s response during major disasters. The IMAT supports disaster survivors by enhancing emergency response coordination at the field, local, and Operational Area levels by coordinating and managing resources, developing response plans, tracking cost expenditures, and analyzing disaster information to aid in a swift and well-organized response to incidents such as wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and other catastrophic events. Through their expertise in incident management, the IMAT contributes to California’s resilience by ensuring a cohesive and effective approach to safeguarding lives, property, and the environment.




Organizational Structure and Deployment Roles

The 11 full-time IMAT staff are organized in accordance with the five sections of the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS): Management, Operations, Planning and Intelligence, Logistics, and Finance and Administration.

When deployed, the IMAT can assist in a variety of roles including supporting or running an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), strengthening local response capabilities, and serving as a coordination point for the State Operations Center (SOC) and state resources, in collaboration with the Cal OES Regions.

Requesting the IMAT

Local government or Operational Areas can request IMAT support through their Regional Emergency Services Coordinator (ESC). The ESC will help locals define their assistance request and will coordinate with Cal OES leadership. Requests should specify if the full IMAT, a scaled version, or individual positions are needed, and what type of support is required. If only singular positions are requested, local jurisdictions should first try to secure the resource through the Emergency Management Mutual Aid (EMMA) system.

Other states or territories needing IMAT support can send a request through EMAC.

Contact Information

For more information about the IMAT, please contact: IMAT@CalOES.ca.gov