​Access and Functional Needs Library

The newly refreshed AFN Library is a comprehensive clearinghouse for access and functional needs-specific best practices, guidance documents, videos, and more. Whether you’re looking for information on effective communication, sheltering or integration; you’ll find it here!

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If you would like to add a document or resource to the OAFN Library, please submit it to oafn@caloes.ca.gov.


​Library Categories

Select a category to go directly to the resources for that category and its subcategories.

Academic Research and Papers

ADA Compliance

  • ADA Compliance Communications
  • Assistance and Service Animals
  • Building, Workplace, and Physical Structures
  • Policy and Procedures
  • Section 508
  • Video Creation
  • Web Applications and Information Technology

AFN Populations

  • AFN Populations Personal Preparedness
  • Children
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Doctrine
  • Etiquette
  • Older Adults


  • Alerts, Notifications, and Warnings
  • Communication Tools
  • Cultural Considerations
  • Emergency Preparedness Education / Outreach
  • Media and Social Media Communications

COVID 19 / Pandemic Planning

  • COVID 19
  • Law
  • Messaging
  • Personal Planning
  • Planning Guidelines

Evacuation and Transportation

  • Evacuation and Transportation Planning Guidelines
  • Sample Plans and Templates

Planning Guidance

  • Federal/National Guidance
  • Legislation and Policy
  • Personal and Community Preparedness
  • State and Local Preparedness


  • Real-world events
  • Sheltering Planning Guidelines
  • Sheltering Sample Plans and Templates

Smartphone Apps

  • Communication
  • Personal Preparedness


  • Earthquake Preparedness
Moving Beyond (Special Needs) A Function-Based Framework for Emergency Management and PlanningAcademic Research and PapersThis journal focuses on ethics, law and policy that affects persons with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Hammill Institute on Disabilities, revised January 2021
Building Community Resilience to DisastersAcademic Research and PapersThis is a technical report on building community resilience to disasters. RAND Health, published 2012
India 2013 - Inclusive Disaster and Emergency Management for Persons with DisabilitiesAcademic Research and PapersThis report aims to provide an overview of the needs of persons with disabilities during disasters and emergencies, describe the challenges they face at different stages of the response and recovery process.The Centre for Internet & Society, published 2013
Planning Considerations for Persons with Access and Functional Needs in a DisasterAcademic Research and PapersJournal of Disaster Medicine article regarding the use of the CMIST framework during disasters to improve medical care after disasters.PubMed, Journal of Disaster Medicine, published April 2018
Experience of people with physical disability - mobility needs during earthquakesAcademic Research and PapersA qualitative study of 18 interviews with individuals with mobility-related disabilities who experienced an earthquake in Iran summarizing barriers during response.PubMed, Journal of Health Promotion and Education, published June 12, 2018
Haitian and International Responders' and Decision-Makers' perspectives regarding disabilityAcademic Research and PapersA qualitative study of interviews with responders and Haitians after the 2010 earthquake response regarding the specific needs of People with Disabilities (PWD).(PubMed, Journal of Global Health Action, published August 7, 2015
Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities and others with access and functional needs to ensure inclusivenessAcademic Research and PapersThis journal article evaluates recent shifts in the field of emergency management in planning for people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.PubMed, Journal of Emergency Management, published June 2014
A mixed method analysis - disaster preparedness of families with children with access and functional needsAcademic Research and PapersArticle describes a study that used questionnaires and focus groups to evaluate parents and guardians of children with access and functional needs with regard to their challenges in planning for emergencies.PubMed, Journal of Disaster Medicine, published October 2020
Enhancing individual and community disaster preparedness - Individuals with disabilities and others with AFNAcademic Research and PapersA commentary article on national guidelines for disability inclusion in emergency preparedness and remaining gaps in the field.PubMed, Disability and Health Journal, published April 2018
The COVID-19 pandemic and people with disabilityAcademic Research and PapersA commentary of the impacts of COVID-19 on people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.PubMed, Disability and Health Journal, published July 2020
Advancing emergency preparedness for people with disabilitiesAcademic Research and PapersFindings from a literature review on how community-based service providers can enable emergency preparedness for their clients in the community. Results section includes tools and training resources for providers.Taylor & Francis Online, Disability and Rehabilitation, published March 23, 2019
Emergency preparedness - The perceptions and experiences of people with disabilitiesAcademic Research and PapersA study that was conducted using in-depth interviews with people who have different kinds of disabilities to glean how people with disabilities perceive emergencies and understand what their preparedness needs are. Taylor & Francis Online, Disability and Rehabilitation, published January 22, 2019
Is emergency preparedness a disaster for people with disabilities in the US - Results from the 2006-2012 (BRFSS)Academic Research and PapersA study that compared preparedness of people with different types of access and functional needs to others without those needs. Provides suggestions for training and policy development to address gaps. (Note: available for purchase.)Taylor & Francis Online, Disability and Society, published April 16, 2015
An Emergency Evacuation Planning Model for Vulnerable Populations Using Public Transit SystemsAcademic Research and PapersA 25-page planning model of guidelines and best practices for assisting the evacuation of vulnerable populations through the use of Public Transit Systems.Journal of Public Transportation, published 2012
ADA - Wheelchairs, Mobility Aids, and Other Power-Driven Mobility DevicesADA CompliancePublication to help understand how the new rules for mobility devices apply to people with mobility, circulatory, respiratory, or neurological disabilities.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated February 28, 2020
Chapter 3 - General Effective CommunicationADA Compliance CommunicationsInformation to for all state and local governments to take steps to ensure that their communications with people with disabilities are as effective as communications with others, referred to as “effective communication.”Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, published February 27, 2007
Chapter 4 - 9-1-1 Emergency Communications ServicesADA Compliance CommunicationsInformation to learn the basics on what the ADA requires for 9-1-1 and other emergency communications services operated by or for state or local governments.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, published February 27, 2007
ADA Effective CommunicationADA Compliance CommunicationsPeople who have vision, hearing, or speech disabilities use different ways to communicate. The ADA requires that title II entities and title III entities communicate effectively with people who have communication disabilities.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, published February 28, 2020
Section 1557 - Ensuring Effective CommunicationSection 1557 - Ensuring Effective CommunicationADA Compliance CommunicationsSection 1557 is the civil rights provision of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 that prohibits discrimination on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in certain health programs and activities.U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, updated January 10, 2025
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local GovernmentsADA Compliance, Web Applications and Information TechnologyThe Tool Kit is designed to teach state/local gov officials how to identify/fix problems that prevent disabled people from gaining equal access to state and local gov programs, services, and activities.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated March 9, 2017
Assistance Animals in Housing: Service Animals and Emotional Support AnimalsAssistance and Service AnimalsFact sheet on the discussion of the rights of people with disabilities to keep assistance animals in housing that does not allow pets.Disability Rights America, updated June 16, 2023
Service Animals in Business and Public Spaces (DRC Fact Sheet)Assistance and Service AnimalsFact sheet on the discussion of the rights of people with disabilities to have service animals in public entities.Disability Rights America, published April 12, 2018
ADA Requirements - Service AnimalsAssistance and Service AnimalsThis publication provides guidance on the term “service animal” and the service animal provisions in ADA regulations.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated February 28, 2020
California Access Compliance Reference MaterialsBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresThis resource allows the user to Locate reference materials on the application and use of the accessibility provisions of the California Building Code (CBC) for state and local government buildings and facilities, privately owned public accommodations and commercial facilities, and public housing.State of California Department of General Services, Division of the State Architect, reviewed February 2025
2022 California Building Codes: Accessible Toilet Facilities (Chapter 11B - Section 603, 606, and 608)Building, Workplace, and Physical StructuresCalifornia Building Code with specific information on accessible toilet and bathroom facilities design.International Code Council, California Building Standards Commission, published July 2024
ADA Accessibility GuidelinesBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresThis document contains scoping and technical requirements for accessibility to buildings and facilities by individuals with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.U.S. Access Board, published 2010
ADA Checklist for Polling PlacesBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresThis 25-page document is an updated technical assistance publication on polling place accessibility for voters with disabilities.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, published year 2016
Workplace Accommodations - Low Cost, High ImpactBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresSurvey report and summary conducted with different industry sectors on workplace accommodation and accessibility.Job Accommodation Network, updated April 5, 2024
ADA Standards for Accessible DesignBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresStandards for accessible design including scoping and technical requirements for new construction and alterations.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated September 15, 2010
ADA Accessibility Survey Instructions - Curb RampsBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresADA regulations for accessibility survey instructions for curb ramps.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated year 2016
ADA Accessibility Survey Form - Curb RampsBuilding, Workplace, and Physical StructuresADA regulations for accessibility survey form for curb ramps.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated year 2016
ADA VotingPolicy and ProceduresThis webpage provides guidance to states, local jurisdictions, election officials, poll workers, and voters on how the Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal laws help ensure fairness in the voting process for people with disabilities.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, published September 2014
THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT - SHORT-TERM DISABILITIES, EXCEPTIONS, AND THE MEANING OF MINORPolicy and ProceduresDefinition, guide, and information on short-term disabilities, exceptions, and the meaning of minor.University of Dayton School of Law, published year 2011
IT Accessibility Laws and PoliciesSection 508Information on laws and policies required by Federal agencies when developing, procuring, maintaining, or using electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities.U.S. General Services Administration, updated May 2024
Section 508 Surveys and ReportsSection 508Information on requirements under Section 508 which requires the federal government to ensure that the electronic and information technology that it develops, procures, maintains, or uses is accessible to persons with disabilities. Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated February 27, 2023
Web Accessibility Initiative ResourcesSection 508Resources and standards for website designers and content creators to assist in web accessibility and creating accessible tools. Web Accessibility Initiative, updated January 13, 2025
Electronic and Information TechnologySection 508Code of Federal Regulations on Appendix D to Part 1194—Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards.U.S. Government Publishing Office, updated July 1, 2019
Section 508 ChecklistSection 508Web accessibility checklist as a pass/fail criteria that represents an interpretation of Section 508 web standards. WebAIM.org. reviewed February 2025
HHS Accessibility Comformance ChecklistsSection 508Checklists to provide the Section 508 evaluation criteria that must be met to ensure content is accessible to all users.U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, updated September 2022
Adding Subtitles and Closed Captions to Videos on YouTubeVideo CreationInstructions on Youtube website on adding your own closed captions to videos on the site.Youtube.com, reviewed February 2025
Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with DisabilitiesWeb Applications and Information TechnologyInformation and outline for accessibility design for government websites.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated December 12, 2024
Section 508 IT Accessibility PlaybookWeb Applications and Information TechnologyThe Technology Accessibility Playbook provides a framework for the integration of strategic, business and technology management to ensure U.S. Fed Gov tech is accessible for the disabled.U.S. General Services Administration, updated November 2024
Using NVDA to Evaluate Web AccessibilityWeb Applications and Information TechnologyThis article is designed to help new or novice NVDA (free screen reader for Windows computer) users learn how to test web content.WebAIM, Center for Persons with Disabilities, Utah State University, reviewed January 2021
Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation MethodologyWeb Applications and Information TechnologyThis webpage provides guidance on evaluating how well websites conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. It describes a procedure to evaluate websites and includes considerations to guide evaluators and to promote good practice.W3C, W3C Working Group, published July 2014
Chapter 5 - Website Accessibility Under Title II of the ADAWeb Applications and Information TechnologyInformation on the nondiscrimination requirements of Title II of the ADA to state and local government websites.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, published May 7, 2007
Web Accessibility ToolWeb Applications and Information TechnologyWAVE is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities.WebAIM.org, Utah State University, reviewed February, 2025
HHS Policy for Section 508 Compliance and Accessibility of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)Web Applications and Information TechnologyPolicy for Section 508 compliance and accessibility of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to implement uniformity and conformity of accessibility compliance across all of HHS.(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, updated July 2020
Common Accessibility Problems - Good and Bad Examples in Modern WebsitesWeb Applications and Information TechnologyBlog post on the key points and overview of website accessibility, with guidelines and sample images.Prototypr.io, Medium.com, published June 22, 2016
Disability Rights California Emergency PreparednessADA ComplianceThis website provides up-to-date legal information regarding ADA rights related to emergency preparedness. Disability Rights California, Reviewed February 2025
Accessibility at Drive-thru Medical SitesPolicy and ProceduresProvides considerations and strategies to promote accessibility at drive-thru medical sites, including testing sites and vaccination sites; also provides links to additional resources.ADA National Center, Published 2020
Benefits for People with Disabilities – Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programsAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities.Social Security Administration, reviewed February 2025
Feeling Safe, Being Safe Training - Videos and information on preparing for emergenciesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessWebpage with links to several foundational videos, publications, and presentations about personal emergency preparedness, both for individuals with disabilities and those without disabilities.California Department of Developmental Services, published 2010 and 2011
Preparedness for Older AdultsAFN Populations Personal PreparednessLanding webpage with links to more resources for emergency planning for seniors, including a link to a YouTube video and some resources from AARP.Ready.gov, Federal Emergency Management Agency, updated February 5, 2025
AFN Earthquake ProtectionAFN Populations Personal Preparedness8-step guide on earthquake preparedness for individuals with access and functional needs.Earthquake Country Alliance, published February 2020
Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Other Access and Functional NeedsAFN Populations Personal PreparednessInstructional video with ASL interpretation with tips on individual emergency preparedness for individuals with access and functional needs.YouTube, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 2, 2013
Preparing for the Unexpected - Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with DisabilitiesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessFEMA video webinar on preparing for disaster situations with the disabled population in mind.YouTube, Governors Committee on People with Disabilities, published October 1, 2018
American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness for People with DisabilitiesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis video shows how AFN individuals should prepare for a disaster.YouTube, American Red Cross, published May 17, 2013
Voices of the Disabled - Emergency PreparednessAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis is an ASL interpreted panel discussion of AFN individuals and how they prepare for an emergency.YouTube, NYC Emergency Management, published November 20, 2020
Preparing Makes Sense for Older AmericansAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis is an ASL interpreted video about disaster planning for elderly Americans.YouTube, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published May 6, 2013
Self-Advocacy ResourcesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessWebpage with many links to self-advocacy resources from a variety of national, state, and local organizations.California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, reviewed April 2024
Emergency Preparedness for Tornados in ASLAFN Populations Personal PreparednessShort YouTube video that explains tornados, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover.Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Hurricanes in ASLAFN Populations Personal PreparednessShort YouTube video that explains hurricanes, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover. Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Wildfires in ASLEmergency Preparedness for Wildfires in ASLAFN Populations Personal PreparednessShort YouTube video that explains wildfires, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover. Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Bioterror in ASLAFN Populations Personal PreparednessShort YouTube video that explains bioterrorism, how to prepare for it, and what to do during a bioterror event in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover.Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Floods in ASLAFN Populations Personal PreparednessShort YouTube video that explains floods, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover. Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Safety videos in American Sign LanguageAFN Populations Personal PreparednessA series of 5 videos in ASL covering topics related to fire safety: electrical safety, heating safety, smoking safety, cooking safety, and home escape planning. Youtube.com, National Fire Protection Association, reviewed February 2025
Let's Get Prepared!AFN Populations Personal PreparednessToolkit to help individuals prepare for emergency situations. Has a section for specific disabilities, including mobility disabilities, vision disabilities, and hearing impairments (Section 3).California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, revised February 2016
Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Mobility Disabilities - Prepare YourselfAFN Populations Personal PreparednessBrochure with tips about how to prepare for emergency situations for individuals with mobility disabilities. Includes tips for preparedness, evacuation, and sheltering.National Organization on Disability, revised 2018
Disability and Health, Emergency Preparedness and Disability InclusionAFN Populations Personal PreparednessCDC landing page with links to resources that educate people with disabilities and their caregivers, emergency planners, first responders, and other community members on how to include people with disabilities in emergency plans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, revised September 11, 2024
Prepare For Emergencies Now - Information For People With DisabilitiesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessBrochure provides tips that individuals with access and functional needs, as well as those who support them, can use to prepare for emergencies in advance.Ready.gov, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published June 2012
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with DisabilitiesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Armenian)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Hmong)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Russian)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Spanish)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Tagalog)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Vietnamese)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Korean)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergenciesCalifornia Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Simplified Chinese)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for
disasters and emergencies.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Traditional Chinese)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for
disasters and emergencies.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
AAP Pediatric Disaster Preparedness and Response Topical Collection - Part OneChildrenCollection of policy documents intended to inform and guide pediatricians, planners, responders, care providers, and volunteers to be better prepared to deal with children affected by disasters.American Academy of Pediatrics, published January 2019
Emergency Preparedness for Children with Access and Functional NeedsChildrenWebpage with links to sub-topics related to emergency preparedness for children with access and functional needs; sub-topics link to several documents.Children's Hospital Los Angeles, reviewed February 2025
Youth and Emergency PlanningChildrenWebpage about youth preparedness with additional links to a checklist, a workbook, and guidance documents.Federal Emergency Management Agency, updated September 28, 2023
Mass Care Response in Meeting the Needs of Infants and Children - Task Force PlanningChildrenThis "Lessons Learned" document explains "Mass Care Response in Meeting the Needs of Infants and Children" through task force planning. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 1, 2013
Autism Speaks: Autism and SafetyDevelopmental DisabilitiesWebpage with links to specific sub-topics like "Information for First Responders and Other Professionals".Autism Speaks, reviewed February 2025
AFN Exercise ResourcesState and Local PreparednessList of resources to use for exercise design which include injects focusing on AFN populations.Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, reviewed February 2025
Ready to RollDevelopmental DisabilitiesSpecific disaster preparedness resources such as best practices and checklists for those with spinal injuries or disorders.United Spinal Association, reviewed February 2025
Disability Awareness TrainingEtiquettePresentation discussing disability awareness including myths and misconceptions. This presentation offers a simple and effective way to expose groups, large and small, to the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.Bobby Dodd Institute, reviewed February 2025
Disability Etiquette HandbookEtiquetteBrochure about etiquette when engaging with people with disabilities; spanish version of document is also available.Tennessee Disability Coalition, published January 20, 2013
Disability Etiquette (United Spinal Association)EtiquetteGuidance document with tips for interacting with people with a wide range of disabilities.United Spinal Association, published 2023
Guiding Principles for Inclusive CommunicationCreating Inclusive CommunicationEtiquetteGuide on language to use and not to use when communicating with and about people with disabilities.CDC, published August 5, 2024
Disability Etiquette GuideEtiquetteGuide on etiquette when interacting with people with a wide range of disabilities.United Spinal Association, reviewed February 2025
Language Guidelines for Inclusive Emergency PreparednessEtiquetteScroll down on page to get to the section on language guidelines, which offers guideance for referring to people with disabilities.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Office of Disability Integration and Coordination, published June 15, 2017
Supplemental Guidance AFN Evacuation and TransportationAFN Populations Personal PreparednessAnnex for Cal OES' Evacuation and Transportation Master Plan focusing specifically on evacuation and transportation of the AFN Community. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published December 31, 2014
Alzheimer’s Association- Disaster PreparednessOlder AdultsThis toolkit outlines actions states can take to empower caregivers to make informed decisions about the special needs of people with dementia at a time of emergency or disaster. Alzheimer's Association, revised Janaury 2021
Listos California Preparedness Social Media Toolkit - Winter Weather AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis winter weather toolkit contains design assets and sample copy for social media use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.Listos California, Published January 7, 2023
Disaster Ready GuideAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis 23-page guide details five simple, low or no-cost steps that individuals and families should take to prepare for natural disasters, such as wildfires, earthquakes, and floods.Listos California published October 3, 2024
County Emergency Information Resource SheetsAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThese information sheets help Californians stay informed, connected, and safe in the counties where they live with safety tips, information to help people quickly sign up for emergency alerts, follow trusted sources on social media, and links to connect to resources in their county.Listos California, reviewed February 2025
Quick Guide to Safety Before, During, and After FloodsAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis trifold handout offers simple tips and links to resources to help individuals and families prepare for and deal with floods. Print on a standard 8 ½ x 11 sheet and fold into thirds. Listos California, Published January 7. 2023
How do you Prepare for a DisasterAFN Populations Personal PreparednessHow to prepare for a disaster, presented in American Sign Language.YouTube, DisabilityRightsFL. June 21, 2021.
Listos California ResourcesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessListos California has free print, online text message, socila media, and streaming audio and video resources that you can use and share to promote disaster preparedness in your home and community.Listos California, reviewed February 2025
Earthquake Country Alliance ResourcesAFN Populations State and Local PreparednessEarthquake preparedness guide for people with disabilities and other access or functional needs. Earthquake Country Alliance, reviewed February 2025
Five Steps to Prepare for a DisasterAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis video animation, developed with the International Rescue Committee, features Listos California’s five steps to prepare for disaster.Listos California, Published April 1, 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning GuideAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - Simplified ChineseAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - Traditional ChineseAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - VietnameseAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - HmongAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - KoreanAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - SpanishAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - RussianAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - TagalogAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers GuidanceAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - TagalogAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - HmongAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - KoreanAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - RussianAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - Simplified ChineseAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - Traditional ChineseAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - SpanishAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - VietnameseAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
First Responder Access Functional Needs Training Series (alertsandiego.org)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessA series of training videos aimed at providing first responders with helpful information to consider when evacuating individuals with physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities.County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services, reviewed February 2025
Self-Advocacy ResourcesAFN Populations Personal PreparednessWebpage with many links to self-advocacy resources from a variety of national, state, and local organizations.California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, February 2025
Emergency Preparedness Guide 2024: A Guide for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, and People with Access and Functional NeedsAFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis guide provides information that people with disabilities and older adults can use to increase readiness before, during, and after disasters.California Department of Aging/California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published 2024
Emergency Preparedness Guide 2024: A Guide for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, and People with Access and Functional Needs (Spanish)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis guide provides information that people with disabilities and older adults can use to increase readiness before, during, and after disasters.California Department of Aging/California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published 2024
Emergency Preparedness Guide 2024: A Guide for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, and People with Access and Functional Needs (Chinese)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis guide provides information that people with disabilities and older adults can use to increase readiness before, during, and after disasters.California Department of Aging/California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published 2024
Emergency Preparedness Guide 2024: A Guide for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, and People with Access and Functional Needs (Korean)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis guide provides information that people with disabilities and older adults can use to increase readiness before, during, and after disasters.California Department of Aging/California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published 2024
Emergency Preparedness Guide 2024: A Guide for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, and People with Access and Functional Needs (Vietnamese)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis guide provides information that people with disabilities and older adults can use to increase readiness before, during, and after disasters.California Department of Aging/California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published 2024
Emergency Preparedness Guide 2024: A Guide for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, and People with Access and Functional Needs (Tagalog)AFN Populations Personal PreparednessThis guide provides information that people with disabilities and older adults can use to increase readiness before, during, and after disasters.California Department of Aging/California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published 2024
​12 Considerations for Accessible Emergency CommunicationsAlerts, Notifications, and WarningsConsiderations and resources for how to create accessible emergency communications including consideration categories such as technology and policy. Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies, published 2007
Alert San DiegoAlerts, Notifications, and WarningsWebpage for registration to Alert San Diego's emergency alert program including a program including information on how the program is accessible to AFN needs. Alert San Diego, reviewed November 2024
Smart 9-1-1Alerts, Notifications, and WarningsWebpage for individuals that individuals can sign up for and pre-populate any emergency information 9-1-1 may need to assist them in the event of an emergency. Smart911, reviewed April 2024
IPAWS Alerting the Whole Community - Removing Barriers to Alerting AccessibilityAlerts, Notifications, and WarningsSummary of the Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) and how it works for all community members.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published October 1, 2014
Integrated Public Alert and Warning SystemAlerts, Notifications, and WarningsProvides information on the benefits of signing up for early warning systems and information on phone apps that help set up alerts. Federal Emergency Management Agency, reviewed April 2024
Communication PassportCommunication ToolsA worksheet to assist members of the AFN community travelling abroad to assist with communicating their specific needs.Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation, published 2009
AFN Acronym ListCommunication ToolsList acronyms and their meanings related to AFN and emergency response to help understanding of the concepts.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, reviewed April 2024
Temple University Communication BoardCommunication ToolsLink to free downloadable communication boards created by Temple University that includes pictures related to emergency response to help first responders communicate.Temple University, reviewed April 2024
Show Me Communication Tool for Emergency SheltersCommunication ToolsCommunication board created to assist first responders to communicate with individuals with AFN needs. Massachusetts Emergency Preparedness Bureau, published June 12, 2019
I Am Sick Communication BoardCommunication ToolsCommunication board created to assist first responders in identifying illnesses for individuals with AFN needs. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, unknown publisher, revised January 2021
Hospital Communication BoardCommunication ToolsCommunication board created for hospital staff to communicate with individuals with AFN needs. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, revised January 2021
Emergency Letter and Word Communication AidCommunication Tools

Communication Board created that relates specifically to helping assess pain levels of those unable to verbally communicate.

Temple University, published 2009
Quick Reference Glossary Terminology List for Emergency Management Whole Community Planning EffortsCommunication ToolsExtensive glossary of emergency management and AFN definitions to assist those planning for emergency response. IAEM-NEMA Joint Task Force, revised August 6. 2015
Inclusive LanguageCommunicationsWebpage meant to educate what words are more approriate to use when referring to those with AFN needs. Colorado State University, reviewed April 2024
Cultural and Population Sensitivity in Disaster Behavioral Health ProgramsCommunicationsA series of articles on cultural sensitivity and competency within disaster behavioral health programming. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Disaster Technical Assistance Center, published January 1, 2018
Great Lakes ADA Center WebsiteCommunicationsWebpage containing videos and a training calendar of a ADA webinar seires on 508 compliance, legal liabilities, and accessible technology. Great Lakes ADA Center, reviewed April 2024
Disability and Health Inclusion StrategiesCommunicationsWebpage containing federal policies and strategies for ensuring inclusion of those with AFN needs in emergency planning and response. CDC, published December 18. 2024
Effective Communications for People with Disabilities - Before, During, and After EmergenciesCommunicationsReport that identifies barriers, facilitators, and best practices to effective emergency-related communication with people with disabilities and provides recommendations for policy makers, federal partners, and emergency managers. National Council on Disability, published May 27, 2014
Disability Language Style GuideCommunications, Media and Social Media CommunicationsWebpage with guidelines and style guide in language use for disability.National Center on Disability and Journalism, revised August 2021
Accessible Emergency InformationEmergency Preparedness Education/Outreach18 informational videos for emergency preparedness that are created for members of the AFN community. NorthEast Texas Public Health District, published December, 4, 2009
How to Communicate During a Natural Disaster EmergencyEmergency Preparedness Education/OutreachCentral resource location for how to communicate during an emergency including documents, videos, and other resources. Federal Communications Commission, revised April 2023
Creating a Emergency Family Communication PlanEmergency Preparedness Education/OutreachGuidelines and best practices for creating a family emergency and communications plan. Ready Federal Emergency Management Agency, updated January 23, 2025
Educational Materials for People with DisabilitiesEmergency Preparedness Education/OutreachWebpage with links to several documents related to fire safety for people with disabilities, as well as resources for emergency planners and public educators.National Fire Protection Association, Reviewed April 2024
Guidelines for Writing About People With DisabilitiesMedia and Social Media CommunicationsFactsheet for how the media can properly communicate about members of the AFN community.American Disability Association, published 2017
Visual Communication Card (COVID-19)Communications ToolsShort document with visual aids for person who cannot speak to use to communicate about potential COVID exposureOregon Health Authority, published Nov 2022
Using WCAG Guidelines to Plan Your Audio & Video MediaMedia and Social Media CommunicationsThis resource will take you through the essential components of the most recent WCAG guidelines as they affect online media. Overall it will help you plan your content for compliance as well as setting your media up for success with a larger audience. Cielo24,
January 2020
Personal Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities Social Media ToolkitMedia and Social Media CommunicationsThis resource will direct you to various videos based on preparedness and various disabilities.Ready.Gov, revised September 2022
Access and Functional Needs Toolkit: Integrating a Community Partner Network to Inform Risk Communication StrategiesCommunication ToolsThe purpose of the toolkit is to assist public health professionals in planning risk communication messages and dissemination strategies effective for the whole community through engagement with community partners.Center for Preparedness and Response, published March, 2021
Improving the Accessibility of Social Media in Government ToolkitMedia and Social Media CommunicationsToolkit for those within emergency shelters with guidance on how to identify and assist those with AFN needs. U.S. General Services Administration, published July 14, 2020
Visual Communication Card (COVID-19)COVID-19 Pandemic PlanningShort document with visual aids for person who cannot speak to use to communicate about potential COVID exposure.Oregon Health Authority, published Nov 2022
A Pandemic Playbook for Transportation AgenciesCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningComprehensive playbook on pandemic planning considerations and recommendations for the transportation sector.National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, published November 12, 2020
State of California's COVID-19 Website (Spanish version)COVID-19 Pandemic PlanningCalifornia's COVID-19 website has an option in the upper right corner to select multiple languages to translate most of the contents of the website. State of California, reviewed April 2024
State of California's COVID-19 Website (Spanish version)COVID-19 Pandemic PlanningCalifornia's COVID-19 website has an option in the upper right corner to select multiple languages to translate most of the contents of the website. State of California, reviewed April 2024
Telehealth for Community-Based Organizations Webinar SeriesCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningVideo recordings, transcripts, and Q&A from a 3-part series on implementing telehealth services to address the access and functional needs of at-risk individuals in partnership with HUD.Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, At-Risk Individuals Program, updated October 31, 2020
Services and Supports for Longer-Term Impacts of COVID-19COVID-19 Pandemic PlanningThis report outlines federally funded supports and services for individuals experiencing the effects of COVID-19 in the areas of Mental Health, substance use, and bereavement. Department of Health and Human Services, published August 2022
COVID-19 Information and Resources (Community Care)COVID-19 Pandemic PlanningWebpage with links to Provider Information Notices for different levels of community care and other resources relevant to community care.California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division, reviewed April 2024
ADA Compliance with Visitations in Healthcare Facilities - Coronavirus Pandemic Guidance for AdvocatesCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningA guide offering tips and recommendations to disability rights advocates on how to ensure healthcare facilities are compliant with the ADA during the COVID-19 pandemic.June Kailes - Disability Policy Consultant, published June 6, 2020
Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with DisabilitiesCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningFact sheet clarifies how remote instruction works with federal disability law (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, published March 21, 2020
Plain Language COVID Vaccine InformationCOVID-19 Pandemic Planning2-page document answering common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, such as what it is, who can get it and when, and if it is safe.California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, published January 2021
Vaccination Day for People with Disabilities-Tips for Family Advocates-EnglishCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningTips for family advocates which may support you in preparing a person with a disability for their vaccination day.California State Council for Developmental Disabilities, published April 2021
Vaccination Day-Tips for Medical Staff-EnglishCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningTips for medical staff providing vaccinations to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities who experience sensory overstimulation, social anxiety, and processing delays. California State Council for Developmental Disabilities, published April 2021
Vaccination Day-Tips for Medical Staff-SpanishCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningTips for medical staff providing vaccinations to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities who experience sensory overstimulation, social anxiety, and processing delays.California State Council for Developmental Disabilities, published April 2021
Vaccination Day for People with Disabilities-Tips for Family Advocates-SpanishCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningTips for family advocates which may support you in preparing a person with a disability for their vaccination day. California State Council for Developmental Disabilities, published April 2021
Know Your Healthcare Rights COVID-19LawBrief guidance document for people with disabilities about knowing rights to medical care as it relates to COVID-19.Tennessee Disability Coalition, Reviewed April 2024
Know Your Transportation Rights during COVID-19Law3-minute video that explains transportation rights for people with disabilities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.National Disability Rights Network, published April 14, 2020
Guidance Relating to Non-Discrimination in Medical Treatment for Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)LawReview of state and federal law prohibiting discriminatory healthcare allocation with regard to a person's disability status.California Department of Health Care Services, published March 30, 2020
Preventing Discrimination in the Treatment of COVID-19 PatientsLawDetailed overview of the legal obligations of healthcare providers to people with disabilities. Also provides recommendations to healthcare providers with respect to adhering to disability law in the COVID-19 crisis.Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, published March 25, 2020
COVID-19 and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - GuidanceLawOverview of the impact of COVID-19 on the rights and lives of people living with disabilities around the world.United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, published April 29, 2020
Civil Rights, HIPAA, and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)LawBulletin provides an overview of the obligations of government officials, health care providers, and covered entities to promote and protect civil rights. Also reviews HIPAA rules in the context of a public health emergency.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, updated April 3, 2020
Don't Wait Vaccinate CampaignMessagingImages, templates, talking points, and messages to help health care professionals, educators, and advocates to promote influenza vaccination.California Immunization Coalition, reviewed April 2024
CDC ASL Video SeriesMessagingSeries of videos in American Sign Language explaining various things about COVID-19 (e.g. How does it spread, Social distancing, What older adullts need to know).YouTube, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reviewed April 2024
COVID-19 Fact SheetsMessagingFact sheets about COVID-19 in 40 different languages.COVID-19 Health Literacy Project, reviewed April 2024
COVID-19 Information and ResourcesMessagingInformation about COVID-19 tailored to the older adult population. Some of the information is availlable in multiple languages.The webpage also includes connection to mental health resources and support lines.State of California, Department of Aging, reviewed April 2024
COVID-19 Tips for Caregivers of People with Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesPersonal Planning5-page document with heavy graphical element providing tips and tools for caregivers of intdividuals with access and functional needs. Available here in 6 languages: https://www.listoscalifornia.org/covid19/.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Listos California, reviewed April 2024
COVID-19 Tips for People with Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesPersonal Planning5-page document with graphics detailing basic information about COVID-19 and things individuals can do to stay safe but be prepared if they do get sick.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Listos California, reviewed April 2024
Health Profile Template for People with Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesPersonal PlanningTemplate documents for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to write down important personal health information to facilitate potential interactions with healthcare personnel. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Listos California, reviewed April 2024
Best Practices for Wearing Masks When Communicating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing PeoplePersonal PlanningDocument contains tips and guidelines on wearing face coverings for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or blind.National Association for the Deaf, published August 26, 2020
COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Individuals with Access and Functional NeedsPersonal PlanningMemo providing COVID-19 prevention guidance to individuals with access and functional needs and caregivers of individuals with AFN.State of California Health and Human Services Agency, Department of Public Health, published March 9, 2020
Tips and Resources for Family Members and Caregivers of Children and Youth with Special Health Care NeedsPersonal PlanningMemo providing guidance on meeting the needs of families with children with special health care needs. Includes suggestions about medical visits, medication, home health visits, food, communication, and mental health.State of California Health and Human Services Agency, Department of Public Health, March 24, 2022
Preparing for Hospitalization During COVID-19 Pandemic - A Checklist for People with DisabilitiesPersonal PlanningChecklist for people with disabilities to prepare for potentially needing to seek hospitalized care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes items to include in a "go bag" and links to other resources to consider.June Kailes - Disability Policy Consultant, published July 19, 2020
Access and Functional Needs Considerations for COVID-19 Response and Recovery PlanningPlanning GuidelinesMemo exploring considerations and resources for pandemic planning for AFN populations.National Governors Association, published May 6, 2020
Access and Functional Needs Considerations and Resources for Alternate Care FacilitiesPlanning GuidelinesTips and resources for alternate care facilities to consider for addressing the needs of AFN populations in their COVID-19 response.University of Colorado, Denver, revised January 2021
COVID-19 Supplement for Planning Considerations - Evacuation and Shelter-in-PlacePlanning GuidelinesProvides planning considerations for jurisdictions reviewing their evacuation and shelter-in-place plans and resources in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published September 2020
A Checklist of Immediate Actions for Addressing COVID-19 as Part of Evacuation PlanningPlanning GuidelinesReport identifying immediate actions, presented in checklists, to address the dual crisis of managing the COVID-19 pandemic and large-scale evacuations.UC Office of the President, University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, published October 1, 2020
Tips for Planning a Rapid Emergency COVID-19 Response for People with DisabilitiesPlanning GuidelinesA checklist of organizations and resources that can help with ensuring accessibility throughout COVID-19 response efforts.June Kailes - Disability Policy Consultant, updated July 19, 2020
Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities ActPlanning GuidelinesTechnical assistance document that provides guidance on ADA requirements and standards and how they apply to pandemic planning in the workplace in the context of COVID-19.U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, updated March 21, 2020
Increasing the Physical Accessibility of Health Care FacilitiesPlanning GuidelinesDocument was published before the COVID-19 pandemic but is especially relevant for making health facilities and COVID-19 treatment accessible to individuals with access and functional needs.Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Office of Minority Health, published May 2017
Guidance to Prepare and Protect Homeless Californians and Service Providers from COVID-19Planning GuidelinesMemo includes guidance from the State of California on protecting individuals experiencing homelessness and homeless assistance providers from COVID-19.California Department of Public Health, published March 11, 2020
Mass Care Emergency Assistance Pandemic Planning ConsiderationsPlanning GuidelinesNew document from Federal Emergency Management Agency that examines the unique characteristics for developing a mass care strategy in a pandemic.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published June 10, 2020
Accessibility at Drive-thru Medical SitesPlanning GuidelinesProvides considerations and strategies to promote accessibility at drive-thru medical sites, including testing sites and vaccination sites; also provides links to additional resources.ADA National Center, Published 2020
National Research Action Plan on Long COVIDCOVID-19 Pandemic PlanningThis Service Report outlines federal services and mechanisms of support available to the American Public in addressing the longer-term effects of COVID-19.Department of Health and Human Services, August 2022.
Cal OES Inclusive Planning Blueprint for Addressing AFN at Mass Vaccination and Testing SitesPlanning GuidelinesCreated in partnership with whole-community stakeholders, the Cal OES Inclusive Planning Blueprint serves to highlight inclusive planning and lessons learned for access and functional needs following the state’s mass vaccination project in Spring 2021. Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, published November 2021.
Evacuation Transportation Planning Tips for People with Access and Functional NeedsEvacuation and Transportation; Personal and Community PreparednessDocument including planning tips necessary for proper evacuation and transportation of individuals with AFN needs. JIK.com, June Isaacson Kailes, Nusura Inc., published 2010
Local Evacuation and Mass Care Planning HandbookEvacuation and Transportation Planning Guidelines; Sheltering Planning GuidelinesPlan for evacuation and mass care sheltering management from the lens of a local jurisdiction. Michigan Department of State Police, Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, published March 1, 2013
Mineta Transportation Institute - Improving Pathways to Transit for Persons with DisabilitiesEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesReport from a research study on optimizing fixed-route public transportation that includes specific real-world case studies.Mineta Transportation Institute, published August 2016
Accommodation and Compliance - Emergency EvacuationEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesInformation on employers' legal obligations to develop emergency evacuation plans and how to include employees with disabilities in such plans.Job Accommodation Network, reviewed April 2024
Evacuating Populations with Special NeedsEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesGuidelines for how to assist in the evacuation to re-entry process of those with AFN needs.U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Adminstration, published April 2009
Emergency Evacuation Planning Guide for People with DisabilitiesEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesEvacuation planning guide for emergency situations for people with disabilities.National Fire Protection Association, updated Revised January 2024
Promising Practices in Evacuation for People with DisabilitiesEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesPresentation describing industry best practices for evacuation of the AFN community. National Evacuation Conference, published February 1, 2012
High-rise Buildings Evacuation PlanningEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesTips sheets and guidelines for emergency evacuation and safety for high-rise buildings.National Fire Protection Association, reviewed April 2024
High-rise Buildings Evacuation Fact SheetEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesFact-sheet for proper evacuation of high-rise buildings including information on how to alert and evacuate individauls with AFN needs.Texas Department of Insurance, Divison of Workers' Compensation, Published April, 2023
​Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations HandbookEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesPlanning guidelines for emergency preparedness operations of paratransit vehichles.Transportation Research Board, published March 1, 2013
Evacuation of People with Disability and Emergent LimitationsEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesWebpage with evacuation protocols for individuals with AFN needs containing best practices from Australia. Access Consultants, published July 23, 2016
Promising Practices for Evacuating People with DisabilitiesEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesDocument discussing planning guidelines for evacuating members of the AFN community.Inclusion Research Institute, published January 1, 2011
Disability and Health Inclusion StrategiesEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesWebpage containing federal policies and strategies for ensuring inclusion of those with AFN needs in emergency planning and response. CDC, published December 18. 2024
Supplemental Guidance AFN Evacuation and TransportationEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesAnnex for CalOES' Evacuation and Transporation Master Plan focusing specifically on evacuation and transportation of the AFN Community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Servcies, published December 31, 2014
Tips for First Responders (TAMU)Evacuation and TransportationWebpage providing concise recommendations for how first responders can better assist those with AFN needs. Texas A&M University, published October 19, 2011
Integrating People with Disabilities and Others with AFN into Emergency Preparedness, Planning, Response, and RecoveryEvacuation and TransportationThis checklist is for emergency planners, managers, responders, and public information officers (PIOs) who develop, maintain, test, deliver and revise emergency plans and services.JIK.com, June Isaacson Kailes, Center for Disability and Health Policy Western University of Health Sciences, California, published year 2020
Understanding California Wildfire Evacuee Behavior and Joint ChoiceMakingEvacuation and TransportationDocument describing evacuation behavior and decision making specifically related to California Wildfire situations.U.C. Berkley, published April 2, 2022
Critical Transportation Planning ToolkitEvacuation and TransportationToolkit providing information and best practices for critical transporation services during emergency situations.Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative, published October 1, 2019
Bay Area UASI’s Critical Transportation ToolkitEvacuation and TransportationToolkit and training providing information and best practices for evacuation and transporation of paratransit during emergency situations. Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative, reviewed April 2024
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning GuideEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - Simplified ChineseEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - Traditional ChineseEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - VietnameseEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - HmongEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - KoreanEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - SpanishEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - RussianEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - TagalogEvacuation and Transportation Planning GuidelinesThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Traveling with a DisabilityFederal National GuidanceWebpage discusses the Air Carrier Access Act and also links to additional rules, guidance, enforcement orders and publications on disability issues in aviation.U.S. Department of Transportation, updated September 20, 2024
2020 NHS Data Digest: Summary ResultsFederal National GuidanceThis webpage is a summary on the latest data from the 2020 National Household Survey. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published September 2020
Emergency Preparedness and Response, Health and Safety ResourcesFederal National GuidanceThis webpage contains resources for public health officials to identify at-risk groups and develop Community Outreach Information Networks. Centers for Disease Control, reviewed November 2024
HHS emPOWER Map 2.0Federal National GuidanceThe HHS emPOWER Map is updated monthly and displays the total number of at-risk electricity-dependent Medicare beneficiaries in a geographic area (i.e., state, territory, county, or ZIP Code), as well as near real-time natural hazard data. Health and Human Services, reviewed April 2024
NASDDDS - Emergency Response Preparedness Self-Assessment InstrumentFederal National GuidanceThis self assessment tool is designed to assist state developmental disabilities officials evaluate if existing preparedness plans address the needs of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities during emergencies or disasters.The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), reviewed April 2024
Hurricane Sandy FEMA After-Action ReportFederal National GuidanceFoundational AAR discussing an area for improvement relevant to the use of Disability Integration Advisors during a responseFederal Emergency Management Agency, published July 1, 2013
HHS Guidance for Integrating Culturally Diverse Communities into Planning for and Responding to Emergencies - A ToolkitFederal National GuidanceThis document builds and integrates recommendations distilled from the consensus-based discussion of the National Consensus Panel.National Consensus Panel on Emergency Preparedness and Cultural Diversity, published February 2011
We can do better - Lessons Learned for Protecting Older Persons in DisastersFederal National GuidanceThis report contains resources and suggestions on how to plan better for protecting older adults during emergencies.AARP, published 2006
Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations PlansFederal National GuidanceThis is a guide on creating and maintaining Emergency Operations Plans. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published September 2021
CDC's Planning for an Emeregency - Strategies for Identifying and Engaging At-Risk GroupsFederal National GuidanceGuidance for emergency managers to help provide examples of approaches for identifiying social vulnerabilities in communities before, during, and after disasters. Centers for Disease Control's National Center for Environmental Health and Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, published 2015
Tips for Effectively Communicating with the Whole Community in DisastersFederal National GuidanceThis webpage contains tips for effective communication, which can help jurisdictions meet their obligations to carry out their disaster related activities in a non-discriminatory manner. Department of Homeland Security, revised September 2022
FEMA Office of Disability Integration and Coordination WebsiteFederal National GuidanceThis office helps FEMA deliver the agency’s shared mission of helping people before, during and after disasters in ways that maximize the inclusion of, and accessibility for, people with disabilities.Federal Emergency Management Agency's Office of Disability Integration and Coordination, revised August 2024
FEMA 2023 National Preparedness ReportFederal National GuidanceThe National Preparedness Report summarizes the progress made and challenges that remain in building and sustaining the capabilities needed to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security, published December 2023
FEMA 2019 National Response FrameworkFederal National GuidanceThe National Response Framework (NRF) provides foundational emergency management doctrine for how the Nation responds to all types of incidents. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security, published October 28, 2019
Planning Considerations - Evacuation and Shelter-in-PlaceFederal National GuidanceThis document supports state, local, tribal, and territorial partners in planning for evacuation and/or shelter-in-place protective actions. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 2019
Guidance on Planning for Integration of Functional Needs Support Services in General Population SheltersFederal National GuidanceThe purpose of this document is to provide planning guidance that can be incorporated into existing shelter plans to State emergency managers and shelter planners to meet access and functional needs in general population shelters. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published November 2010
CDC eTool - To Define, Locate, and Reach Special, Vulnerable, and At-risk Populations in an EmergencyFederal National GuidanceThe purpose of this tool is to help you create a Community Outreach Information Network (COIN) to reach at-risk populations in an emergency. Centers for Disease Control, Reviewed April 2024
Innovative Practice-Private Sector Engagement to Improve Response Coordination for Individuals with Access and FunctionalFederal National GuidanceDiscussion of an innovative practice in Colorado using private sector engagement to improve mass care for individuals with access and functional needs. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Lessons Learned Information Sharing, published 2013
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local GovernmentsFederal National GuidanceThe Tool Kit is designed to teach state/local gov officials how to identify/fix problems that prevent disabled people from gaining equal access to state and local gov programs, services, and activities.Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, updated March 9, 2017
FEMA's Presidential Policy Directive-8Federal National GuidanceThis webpage displays FEMA's Presidential Policy Directive-8 regarding national preparedness. Federal Emergency Management Agency, revised January 13, 2025
Emergency Preparedness Publications & ResourcesFederal National GuidanceThis website provides national, regional, and local resources and publications that provide guidance on accessable emergency managment for governmental agencies and first responders, along with summaries of litigation providing court opinions on accessible emergency management.Pacific ADA Center, Reviewed April 2024
Individuals with Disabilities in Emergency Preparedness - Executive Order 13347Legislation and PolicyExecutive Order 13347 sets forth the role of the Federal Government in effectively addressing the issue of Individuals with Disabilities in Emergency Preparedness. Homeland Security Digital Library, Department of Homeland Security, published 2005
Assembly Bill 477 Planning GuidanceLegislation and PolicyThe purpose of this guidance is to ensure emergency managers recognize the need, and understand the process, of integrating whole community partners as they develop their emergency plans.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, revised June 18, 2020
Assembly Bill 2311 Planning GuidanceLegislation and PolicyThis is Assembly Bill 2311 Planning Guidance. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published on June 9, 2017
Cal OES Voluntary Disaster Registry Planning GuidanceLegislation and PolicyThis document contains planning guidance around Government Code section 8593.3. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, reviewed April 2024
Disability and Health, Emergency Preparedness and Disability InclusionPersonal and Community PreparednessCDC landing page with links to resources that educate people with disabilities and their caregivers, emergency planners, first responders, and other community members on how to include people with disabilities in emergency plans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, revised September 11, 2024
Evacuation Transportation Planning Tips for People with Access and Functional NeedsPersonal and Community PreparednessDocument including planning tips necessary for proper evacuation and transportation of individuals with AFN needs. JIK.com, June Isaacson Kailes, Nusura Inc., published 2010
Access and Function Needs Disaster Survey ResultsPersonal and Community PreparednessThis is an infographic on AFN disaster survey results.Disability Disaster Access & Resources, reviewed April 2024
ASPR TRACIE Access and Functional Needs Topic CollectionPersonal and Community PreparednessA great general topic collection on access and functional needs that is continuously updated.Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, reviewed April 2024
Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies WebsitePersonal and Community PreparednessAn organization dedicated to creating and providing resources for ensuring equitable access and inclusion for individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs before, during, and after emergencies. Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies, reviewed April 2024
Characteristics of a Disaster-Resilient CommunityPersonal and Community PreparednessThis document contains characterstics necessary for community resilience and aims to build community resilience worldwide. University College London, published November 2009
Emergency Survival GuidePersonal and Community PreparednessThis guide is to help LA County residents better prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters that face Los Angeles County. County of Los Angeles, updated 2019
Preserving Our Freedom - Ending Institutionalization of People with Disabilities During and After DisastersPersonal and Community PreparednessReport that examines occurrences of institutionalization or the threat of institutionalization of people with disabilities in disasters in 2017 and 2018 and provides recommendations for eliminating these practices in the future. National Council on Disability, published May 24, 2019
Addressing Access and Functional Needs (AFN) in School and Higher Education Emergency Operations Plans (EOPS)Personal and Community PreparednessThis Webinar provided an overview of AFN integration within schools and institutions of higher education (IHEs), as well as specific information on and examples of inclusive preparedness planning in schools and IHEs. Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, published 2016
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance CenterPersonal and Community PreparednessThe REMS TA Center offers a diverse set of trainings, including downloadable Webinars and self-paced online courses, to practitioners in the field of school emergency management.Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, reviewed April 2024
Making Your Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill Accessible to People With DisabilitiesPersonal and Community PreparednessThis is an ADA resource guide for creating an inclusive Great Shakeout accessible to people with disabilities. Pacific ADA Center, published October 8, 2015
Emergency Preparedness and PetsPersonal and Community PreparednessThis document contains information focused on emergency planning for pets. County of Los Angeles Public Health, published 2015
ShakeOut Earthquake Guide for People with Disabilities and AFNPersonal and Community PreparednessThis guide follows the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety, featured in the Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country series of publications. The content has been specially adapted for people with disabilities and other access and functional needs.Earthquake Country Alliance, published October 3, 2014
DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood PartnershipsPersonal and Community PreparednessThis is a webpage for fostering partnerships between DHS and faith based organizations. Department of Homeland Security, revised September 17, 2024
Linking Planning Efforts Across Jurisdictions - Everyone Has a Role in Hazard MitigationPersonal and Community PreparednessThis document explores ways that communities can integrate and coordinate different local plans. Federal Emergency Management Agency, updated February 11, 2021
A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management (FEMA)Personal and Community PreparednessThis document presents a foundation for increasing individual preparedness and engaging with members of the community as vital partners in enhancing the resiliency and security of our nation through a Whole Community approach.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published December 2011
Access and Functional Needs Guidance Resource Book and County TemplatePersonal and Community PreparednessLink downloads a document which serves as a resource book and template to assist local emergency planners in identifying the specialized resources needed to address everyone in their communities.Oklahoma State Department of Health, updated June 2022
How to Prepare for a WildfirePersonal and Community PreparednessThis webpage contains informative resources to disasters and emergencies. Ready.gov, updated January 21, 2025
FEMA Preparedness ResearchPersonal and Community PreparednessThis webpage displays preparedness research, including household surveys. Federal Emergency Management Agency, revised December 2022
Disaster Safety for People with DisabilitiesPersonal and Community PreparednessThis is an informational webpage with videos and a list of important ways to prepare for a disaster.The American National Red Cross, reviewed April 2024
Emergency Preparedness for Older AdultsPersonal and Community PreparednessThis webpage contains tips for older adults to help them know what to do before, during and after a disaster or emergency. Red Cross, reviewed April 2024
How to Prepare Kids for EmergenciesPersonal and Community PreparednessThe webpage contains information on preparing kids for emergencies. Save the Children, revised December 3, 2024
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with DisabilitiesPersonal and Community Preparedness, State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Armenian)Personal and Community Preparedness, State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Hmong)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Korean)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergenciesCalifornia Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Russian)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Simplified Chinese)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for
disasters and emergencies.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Spanish)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Tagalog)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Traditional Chinese)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for
disasters and emergencies.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities (Vietnamese)Personal and Community Preparedness; State and Local PreparednessThis Cal OES and DOR publication provides guidance for individuals with disabilities on how to increase preparedness for disasters and emergencies.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services/California Department of Rehabilitation, published December 2021
An Emergency Evacuation Planning Model for Vulnerable Populations Using Public Transit SystemsState and Local PreparednessA 25-page planning model of guidelines and best practices for assisting the evacuation of vulnerable populations through the use of Public Transit Systems.Journal of Public Transportation, published 2012
Strategies for Inclusive Planning in Emergency ResponseState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to increase access to resources and tools that facilitate more comprehensive inclusion of planning with people with access and functional needs.Los Angeles County of Public Health, published 2017
Los Angeles County Operational Area Emergency Response PlanState and Local PreparednessThis plan addresses coordinated response to natural, manmade, or technological emergencies in Los Angeles County. County of Los Angeles, published November 2023
City of Los Angeles Emergency Operations PlanState and Local PreparednessThis is the City of Los Angeles' Emergency Operations Plan. The purpose is to facilitate response in small and large scale emergency situations.The City of Los Angeles, reviewed April 2024
AFN Acronym ListState and Local PreparednessList of acronyms and their meanings related to AFN and emergency response to help with the understanding of the concepts. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, reviewed April 2024
Accessible Public Event ChecklistState and Local PreparednessThis checklist has been developed to assist event planners in ensuring that the facility and event set-up comply with Federal and State disability access laws.City and County of San Francisco, reviewed April 2024
FEMA Promising Practice: Inclusive Emergency Management Practices in VermontState and Local PreparednessThis is a webinar on inclusive emergency management practices in Vermont. ADA Presentations, published November 12, 2015
Non-Profits Continuity and Recovery Plan TemplateState and Local PreparednessThe Business Continuity and Recovery Plan Template is intended to be used in addition to your Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan. County of Los Angeles Public Health, published June 2011
Resource Management for Providing Mass Care Services - An Innovative Tool for Estimating Shelter and Feeding ResourcesState and Local PreparednessThis is a Lessons Learned document about the Florida Estimated Mass Care Requirements Spreadsheet.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published 2013
RAND Corporation - A Toolkit for State and Local Planning and ResponseState and Local PreparednessThis toolkit is meant to help state and local health agencies improve their current emergency preparedness activities. In addition, community-based and/or non-governmental organizations can use this toolkit to enhance their programming.RAND, published 2009
Santa Clara EOP Access and Functional Needs AnnexState and Local PreparednessAn EOP annex dedicated to Access and Functional Needs.Santa Clara County, Published May 2022
Cal OES - Best Practices for Stakeholder Inclusion (June 2020)State and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this paper is to ensure emergency managers recognize, understand, and integrate whole community partners as they develop emergency plans.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published June 2020
Guidance on IntegrationState and Local PreparednessThis document contains guidance on planning and responding to the needs of people with disabilities and older adults. Office for Access and Functional Needs, Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, published August 2008
LA Recovery Annex TemplateState and Local PreparednessThis annex is designed to be used in the aftermath of a disaster, during the recovery phase.Los Angeles City/County/Operational Area, published September 6, 2012
AFN Exercise ResourcesState and Local PreparednessList of resources to use for exercise design which include injects focusing on AFN populations.Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, reviewed September 2024
Cal OES Inclusive Planning Blueprint for Addressing AFN at Mass Vaccination and Testing SitesState and Local PreparednessCreated in partnership with whole-community stakeholders, the Cal OES Inclusive Planning Blueprint serves to highlight inclusive planning and lessons learned for access and functional needs following the state’s mass vaccination project in Spring 2021. Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, published November 2021.
Active Shooter Awareness Guidance - EnglishState and Local PreparednessThe guidance informs workforce management, individuals with disabilities and other access or functional needs, and law enforcement/first responders regarding how to promote the safety and security of individuals with disabilities and persons with access or functional needs during an active shooter attack.California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, revised June 2022
Active Shooter Awareness Guidance – Spanish
State and Local PreparednessThe guidance informs workforce management, individuals with disabilities and other access or functional needs, and law enforcement/first responders regarding how to promote the safety and security of individuals with disabilities and persons with access or functional needs during an active shooter attack.California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, revised June 2022
Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared!-EnglishState and Local PreparednessInformation for Contra Costa County Residents to Prepared for Emergencies.Contra Costa County, published April 2021
Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared!-ChineseState and Local PreparednessInformation for Contra Costa County Residents to Prepared for Emergencies in Chinese.Contra Costa County, published April 2021
Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared!-SpanishState and Local PreparednessInformation for Contra Costa County Residents to Prepared for Emergencies in Spanish.Contra Costa County, published April 2021
Access and Functional Needs: Hospital Disaster GuidebookState and Local PreparednessThis guidebook and tool was funded through a grant from the California Community Foundation and is presented as a free reference tool to help Hospital Emergency Managers prepare, plan and conduct exercises and training with local AFN communities. This tool was developed for, and is intended for use by, emergency management professionals in the healthcare industry.Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, reviewed April 2024
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning GuideState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - Simplified ChineseState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - Traditional ChineseState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - VietnameseState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - HmongState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - KoreanState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - SpanishState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - RussianState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrated Evacuation Planning Guide - TagalogState and Local PreparednessThe purpose of this document is to empower local jurisdictions and individuals with access and functional needs to develop comprehensive and inclusive emergency evacuation plans that benefit the whole community.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers GuidancePersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - TagalogPersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - HmongPersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - KoreanPersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - RussianPersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - Simplified ChinesePersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - Traditional ChinesePersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - SpanishPersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Cal OES Integrating AFN Within Large Venue Safety and Security OperationsState and Local PreparednessThis document was created in coordination with large venue security professionals, industry experts, government and non-government partners, including representatives from the Cal OES Statewide AFN Advisory Committee, and is intended to support large venue operators with the guidance, best practices, and informational resources to integrate access and functional needs into their EOPs to better ensure the safety and security of guests.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published November 2024
Jurisdictional Guidance for the Development of an AFN Advisory CommitteeState and Local PreparednessThis document outlines a scalable process emergency managers can use to create an AFN Advisory Committee. It provides best practices for developing collaborative relationships with nontraditional emergency management partners, includes guidance on objectives, composition, membership, and procedures, and underscores the role of an AFN Advisory Committee as a keystone of inclusive planning.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 2024
Cal OES Accessible Cooling Centers Guidance - VietnamesePersonal and Community PreparednessThe purpose of this guide is to support jurisdictions to plan for, and operate, accessible Cooling Centers that can serve people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs in an inclusive and equitable manner.California Governor's Office of Emergency Services in partnership with HeatReadyCA.com, published August 2023
Non-Traditional Shelter Case StudiesReal-world eventsCase studies of the use of non-traditional sheltering during real world events.National Mass Care Strategy, American Red Cross, published December 31, 2011
Red Cross Open Shelter MapReal-world eventsReal-time map showing all currently open Red Cross shelters across the country; webpage also contains additional information about shelter eligibility and services offered.American Red Cross, updated 2024
Mass Care Response in Meeting the Needs of Infants and Children - Task Force PlanningShelteringThis "Lessons Learned" document explains "Mass Care Response in Meeting the Needs of Infants and Children" through task force planning. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 1, 2013
Emergency Shelter Communications ToolkitShelteringToolkit for large city government employees on how to assist in emergency sheltering operations. City of Seattle Parks & Recreation, published July 1, 2014
Emergency Shelter Communications Toolkit Field GuideShelteringWebpage providing myriad of resources for shelter staff to prepare for activation of a shelter and ensuring accessibility. City of Seattle, published December 19, 2017
Guidance on Providing PAS in Congregate and Non-congregate SheltersShelteringThis presentation provides guidance regarding providing personal assistance services in congregate and non-congregate shelters. The presentation provides guidance on the responsibilities from State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments as well as the Federal Government.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published March 2021
Mass Care Emergency Assistance Pandemic Planning ConsiderationsSheltering Planning GuidelinesNew document from Federal Emergency Management Agency that examines the unique characteristics for developing a mass care strategy in a pandemic.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published June 10, 2020
City of Los Angeles EOP Mass Care and Sheltering Annex: Non-Traditional Sheltering AnnexSheltering Planning GuidelinesThis annex to the Emergency Operations Plan for the City of Los Angeles provides examples of emergency planning related to access and functional needs population considerations.L.A. City Emergency Management Department, published January 2020
Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA Checklist for Emergency SheltersSheltering Planning GuidelinesFoundational resource for AFN considerations in emergency sheltering. The document provides an in-depth overview and checklist for meeting ADA requirements.U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, published July 26, 2007
The ADA and Emergency Shelters: Access for All in Emergencies and DisastersSheltering Planning GuidelinesThis is a Chapter 7 Addendum 2 from the ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments. ADA.gov, updated 2009
Functional Assessment Service Team (FAST)Sheltering Planning GuidelinesWebsite has links to general information about the FAST program and the FAST Leader Program, including applications to take either the FAST or FAST Leader training.California Department of Social Services, updated 2024
Guidance on Planning for Personal Assistance Services in General Population SheltersSheltering Planning GuidelinesGuidance for state, tribal, and local governments about providing personal assistance to children and adult with and without disabilities in shelters.Federal Emergency Management Agency, revised January 2021
​Guidance on Planning for Integration of Functional Needs Support Services in General Population SheltersSheltering Planning GuidelinesGuidance for local, tribal, State, and Federal governments on Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) that can be incorporated into existing general population sheltering plans.Federal Emergency Management Agency, published Nov 2010
Response and Recovery | Ready.govSheltering Planning GuidelinesThese resources support the integration of children’s disaster-related needs into preparedness, planning, response, and recovery efforts initiated by state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, as well as stakeholders responsible for the temporary care of children.Ready.gov, Federal Emergency Management Agency, updated June 14, 2024
Preparing Makes Sense for Pet OwnersSheltering Planning GuidelinesAn ASL interpreted video about disaster planning for pets.YouTube, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 2, 2013
Non-Traditional Shelter Concept of Operations TemplateSheltering Sample Plans and TemplatesTemplate intended for local, state, and/or tribal emergency managers that assists in planning for non-traditional shelter operations in an emergency response.National Mass Care Strategy, City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department, published December 31, 2011
Visuals2GoCommunicationEducational app created to support individuals with communication and learning difficulties. Apple App Store, Bo Innovations, updated December 17, 2024
Google TranslateCommunicationTranslation app that supports offline translation of English and 59 other languages. (Online features includes more languages supported and general features.)Google Play, Google LLC, updated January 16, 2025
ntouch – App for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing who require Video Relay Service to place and receive callsCommunicationApp for deaf individuals to communicate more easily with people who do not have sign language knowledge.Sorenson Communications, Inc., updated 2024
Text Calls with IP Relay (tmobileaccess.com)CommunicationApp allows people to place relay calls and communicate using text.T-Mobile, updated February 20, 2024
Help Kids CopePersonal PreparednessAn app designed to assist parents in talking to their children about different disasters they may experience or have already experienced. Google Play, National Child Traumatic Stress Network, updated September 7, 2023
FEMA MobilePersonal PreparednessOne-stop shop app for emergency preparedness which includes emergency alerts, preparedness tips, and disaster resources.Federal Emergency Management Agency, updated March 22, 2024
American Red Cross Informative appsPersonal PreparednessWebpage listing many preparedness-related apps from the ARC, including an app specifically for kids aged 7-11.American Red Cross, updated 2024
AFN Tips Mobile AppSmartphone AppsThis webpage works as an app intended to support first responders and others who are assisting individuals with access and functional needs in times of crisis.University of Hawaii, Hawaii Emergency Preparedness System of Support Project at the Center on Disability Studies, updated 2018
Show Me for EmergenciesSmartphone AppsA communication tool designed for workers in a family assistance center (FAC) after a mass casualty or mass fatality incident to use to connect with people who may have trouble expressing their needs.Google Play, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, updated Dec 5, 2023
Access and Functional Needs Shakeout IntroEarthquake PreparednessLast year more than 9.6 million Californians participated in ShakeOut drills across the state. Participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes.Youtube.com, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 15, 2014
Access and Functional Needs ShakeOut for Older AdultsEarthquake PreparednessOlder adults may have challenges, especially when it comes to earthquakes. This video will help older adults and their loved ones prepare for earthquakes.Youtube.com, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 15, 2014
Demonstration of How People with Mobility Disabilities Can Protect Themselves During a QuakeEarthquake PreparednessIn this video, they demonstrate how to take cover during a quake. Take a look and practice it, that way you’ll know exactly what to do when the next quake hits.Youtube.com, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 17, 2014
Access and Functional Needs ShakeOut People Who Are Blind or Have Low VisionEarthquake PreparednessThere are specific steps people who are blind and people with low vision can take to plan for their own safety and the safety of loved ones during an earthquake.Youtube.com, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 15, 2014
Access and Functional Needs ShakeOut for People with Mobility DisabilitiesEarthquake PreparednessEnable confidence and success in those who are restricted by limits in their mobility. Watch this video and learn how to plan and prepare for your personal safety during an earthquake.Youtube.com, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 15, 2014
Access and Functional Needs ShakeOut for People Who are Deaf or Hard of HearingEarthquake PreparednessHow do people with hearing loss know what to do in the event of an earthquake, and what considerations need to be taken? Watch this video and learn how planning and preparation are key to safety.Youtube.com, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, published October 15, 2014
Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Other Access and Functional NeedsVideosInstructional video with ASL interpretation with tips on individual emergency preparedness for individuals with access and functional needs.YouTube, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 2, 2013
Preparing for the Unexpected - Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with DisabilitiesVideosFEMA video webinar on preparing for disaster situations with the disabled population in mind.YouTube, Governors Committee on People with Disabilities, published October 1, 2018
American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness for People with DisabilitiesVideosThis video shows how AFN individuals should prepare for a disaster.YouTube, American Red Cross, published May 17, 2013
Voices of the Disabled - Emergency PreparednessVideosThis is an ASL interpreted panel discussion of AFN individuals and how they prepare for an emergency.YouTube, NYC Emergency Management, published November 20, 2020
Preparing Makes Sense for Older AmericansVideosThis is an ASL interpreted video about disaster planning for elderly Americans.YouTube, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published May 6, 2013
Disability Sensitivity Training Video - Don’t Be AwkwardVideosA three minute video providing some basic tips for communication for individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.Youtube.com, DCGovernment, publised October 2, 2014
Prepare a Family Emergency Plan - DisastersVideosShort tutorial video on learning how to prepare a family emergency plan for a major disaster.Youtube.com, Sikana, published May 12, 2016
Accessible Virtual Meetings - Tools and Resources for Nonprofits Working Through the PandemicVideosTools and resources targeted for nonprofits organizations on holding accessible virtual meetings.Youtube.com, Collaborating Agencies’ Disaster Relief Effort (CADRE) and
Emergency Preparedness for Tornados in ASLVideosShort YouTube video that explains tornados, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover.Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Hurricanes in ASLVideosShort YouTube video that explains hurricanes, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover. Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Wildfires in ASLVideosShort YouTube video that explains wildfires, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover. Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Bioterror in ASLVideosShort YouTube video that explains bioterrorism, how to prepare for it, and what to do during a bioterror event in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover.Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
Emergency Preparedness for Floods in ASLVideosShort YouTube video that explains floods, how to prepare for them, and what to do during one in ASL, with English subtitles and with voiceover. Youtube.com, Texas Department of State Health Services, published July 20, 2017
FEMA Prepare - DisabilitiesVideosHow and why people with disabilities should prepare themselves for a disaster or emergency.More information at ready.gov.Youtube.com, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published September 16, 2015
I am BlindVideosLearn about personal preparedness tips for people with disabilities in the event of a disaster. The PSA emphasized the Ready Campaign's four building blocks of preparedness-Be Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. The PSA provides tips to include in your plan if you are blind.Youtube.com, FEMA's Office of Disability Integration and Coordination, published July 2021
I am Hard of HearingVideosLearn about personal preparedness tips for people with disabilities in the event of a disaster. The PSA emphasized the Ready Campaign's four building blocks of preparedness-Be Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. The PSA provides tips to include in your plan if you are hard of hearing.Youtube.com, FEMA's Office of Disability Integration and Coordination, published July 2021
I use a WheelchairVideosLearn about personal preparedness tips for people with disabilities in the event of a disaster. The PSA emphasized the Ready Campaign's four building blocks of preparedness-Be Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. The PSA provides tips to include in your plan if you utilize a wheelchair.Youtube.com, FEMA's Office of Disability Integration and Coordination, published September 2022
COVID Vaccine Protects People with DisabilitiesVideosPSA describing the benefits of those with disabilities obtaining the COVID-19 Vaccine.Youtube.com, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published August 2021
How do you Prepare for a DisasterVideosHow to prepare for a disaster, presented in American Sign Language.YouTube, DisabilityRightsFL. June 21, 2021.
CDC ASL Video SeriesVideosSeries of videos in American Sign Language explaining various things about COVID-19 (e.g. How does it spread, Social distancing, What older adullts need to know).YouTube, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reviewed April 2024
Preparing Makes Sense for Pet OwnersVideosAn ASL interpreted video about disaster planning for pets.YouTube, Federal Emergency Management Agency, published July 2, 2013
Safety videos in American Sign LanguageVideosA series of 5 videos in ASL covering topics related to fire safety: electrical safety, heating safety, smoking safety, cooking safety, and home escape planning.Youtube.com, National Fire Protection Association, reviewed October 17, 2024
First Responder Access Functional Needs Training Series (alertsandiego.org)VideosLink to an instructional series of 8 disability-specific videos for first responders on best practices during an emergency.County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services, 2015