Administrative Services
Administrative Services houses all financial operations for Cal OES through the following branches:
Accounting and Purchasing Branch is primarily responsible for accounting and purchasing functions through the Financial Information System for California commonly known as FI$Cal, and the submission of the agency’s financial statements. The branch consists of three Divisions: Accounting, Travel and Purchasing. For submission of invoices and payment related questions please contact at and for submission of travel expense claims (TECs), travel advances or other travel related questions please contact
External Financial Operations Branch is primarily responsible for the external collaboration of budgeting (state and internal budget development), monitoring appropriation authority, and coordinating all interactions with external agencies including but not limited to the Department of Finance, Legislative Analyst Office, and the Legislature. The branch consists of Budget Services and Special Projects. The branch can be contacted at This is a shared email with Internal Financial Operations Branch.
Internal Financial Operations Branch is responsible for supporting all directorates with internal collaboration of budgeting, expenditure tracking, financial review of all procurement commitments, positions for recruitment, expenditure reporting, liaison with all administrative stakeholders; Human Resources, Accounting & Purchasing, Local and Disaster Assistance, Grant Management, Logistics, and the State Operations Finance & Admin team. The Internal Financial Operations Branch consists of two divisions: Grants Analysis and Financial Services. The branch can be contacted at This is a shared email with External Financial Operations Branch.
Local and Disaster Assistance Branch is responsible for the financial management of all federal grants, local assistance payments to grant recipients, cost recovery for disaster expenditures, accounts receivable and indirect cost rate setting. Local and Disaster Assistance Branch has two divisions: Local Grants Assistance Division manages the Criminal Justice, Victim Services, Homeland Security, Emergency Management Performance Grants and other Non-disaster Grants. The division can be contacted at The Disaster Financial Assistance Division financially manages the Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation, Fire Management and Firescope Grants.  They also process Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) payments to other States and Mutual Aid payments within the State of California.  The Disaster Financial Assistance Division can be reach at .