Victim Services
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Victim Services
Our mission is to provide financial assistance and support to victim service providers to ensure all victims of crime in California receive the services they need.
- To create programs that are trauma-informed and victim centered.
- To provide timely technical assistance to grant subrecipients.
- To ensure California complies with all federal grant requirements.
Victims Services Branch – Grants Management Memos
- GMM-VSB 2024-25-3 Update to 2025 Subrecipient Handbook
- GMM-VSB-2023-24-10. FY 2023-24 Sexual Assault American Rescue Plan (AR) Performance Period Extension
- GMM 2023-24-010 Updated Federal Fund Grant Subaward Assurances
- GMM VSB 2023-24-07 Updated Federal Fund Grant Subaward Assurances
- GMM-VSB 2023-24 Court Appointed Special Advocates (KS) Program
- GMM-VSB 2023-24-4 Victim Advocacy in Detention Facilities (KA) Program
- GMM-VSB 2023-24-3 Rape Crisis (RC) Program
- GMM-VSB 2022-23-3 Campus Sexual Assault (CT) Program
- GMM-VSB 2022-23-2 Statewide Prevention Coordination (PP) Program
- GMM-VSB 2022-23-1 California Medical Training Center (EM) Program
- GMM VSB 2020-21-07 Updated Grant Subaward Certification of Assurance of Compliance
- GMM VSB 2020-21-08 Change to Submission of Grant Subaward Modifications During Liquidation Period
- GMM VSB 2020-21-10 Change to Indirect Costs
- GMM VSB 2021-22-23 Notice of New VOCA Match Waiver Policy
- GMM VSB 2021-22-20 Removal of Special Condition 19VOCA
For a list of Victim Services with statistics and Subrecipient lists, please see the 2023 Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) annual report (PDF).