Organizational Performance Management
Cal OES’s Organizational Performance Management falls under the Finance & Administration Directorate. The purpose of this office is to develop interconnected critical management processes that work together to enable the Agency to achieve results. Key areas include, but are not limited to:
- Agency Strategic Plan
- Performance Management and Reporting System
- Employee Satisfaction Survey
- Idea Ambassador Corps
​Strategic Planning
The Strategic Plan sets a course for Cal OES to make improvements that will enhance the services we provide and the efforts we undertake to ensure that California remains a leader in emergency management and homeland security. The Strategic Plan includes strategies and high-level measures. To help ensure we continually embody our Strategic Plan in our activities, we created a Performance Management system to manage the SMART objectives of all our Directorates and Offices.
The Strategic Plan Summary provides our employees and stakeholders a brief summary of Cal OES, our history, our Vision, Mission, Motto, Values, and Goals, as well as short descriptions of all our Branches and Divisions.
Performance Management and Reporting System
​To help ensure we continually embody our Strategic Plan in our activities, we created a Performance Management and Reporting System to manage the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Ambitious, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives of all our Directorates and Offices.
​Employee Satisfaction Survey
The Employee Satisfaction Survey is administered on a biennial basis to gauge working conditions throughout the agency, with the intent of improving the quality of our service to the public. Feedback is also used to improve Cal OES’s internal working environment by consulting our greatest assets, our employees.
​​Idea Ambassador Corps
The Idea Ambassador Corps is made up of employee volunteers from within the Agency and across the Directorates to respond to gaps in the four listed working areas: Working Conditions, Professional Development, Communications, and Personal Enhancement.