
Whistleblower Hotline

The California Whistleblower Hotline is administered by the California State Auditor and is the confidential avenue for reporting any type of improper acts by a state agency or employee, such as:

  • Violation of state or federal law;
  • Noncompliance with an executive order, a Rule of Court, the State Administrative Manual, or the State Contracting Manual;
  • Misuse or waste of state resources; and/or
  • Gross misconduct, incompetence, or inefficiency.

How To Report

You have three ways to confidentially report information to the California State Auditor:
  • Call the Whistleblower Hotline at:

        (800) 952-5665 (Phone)
        (916) 322-2603 (Fax)
  • Mail information to:

       California State Auditor
       P.O. Box 1019
       Sacramento, CA 95812
  • Submit a complaint online to:

       (Note: complaints not accepted via email)