Business & Utility Operations Center
There is a critical need for the organized synchronous exchange of information and resources between public and private sector organizations in mitigating against, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disaster events.​ To meet that need, Cal OES has agreements with private sector and non-profit organizations which will provide support to the state during times of crisis.
Together, these organizations form the Business and Utility Operations Center (BUOC) – comprised of two components: the Business Operations Center (BOC) and Utility Operations Center (UOC) – and they serve as a critical component in emergency response and addressing the needs of impacted communities
The BOC is comprised of business partners and is intended to provide supp​ort to the state and may be requested to serve as an active operational component of the State Operations Center (SOC) or Regional Emergency Operations Centers (REOCs) serving in the capacity of the BOC within the Logistics Section. The SOC and REOC activate under the authority of California’s Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS).
The UOC is comprised of the California Utilities Emergency Association (CUEA) and is intended to provide support to the state and may be requested to serve as an active operational component of the State Operations Center (SOC) or Regional Emergency Operations Centers (REOCs) serving in the capacity of the Utilities Branch within the Operations Section. The SOC and REOC activate under the authority of California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS).
If an Operational Area (OA) needs private/non-profit sector resources the SOC/REOC will refer the request to the BUOC and revise the mission request within the Response Information Management System (RIMS) noting that the BUOC will work with directly with the OA. However, the SOC may assist the coordination of private/non-profit sector resources by utilizing state resources.